Chapter 9

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With a creak, the door swung open,
revealing the familiar sight of my mother standing there,

With a creak, the door swung open, revealing the familiar sight of my mother standing there,

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her eyes filled with a mixture of relief and joy. Tears welled up in my eyes as we locked gazes, and in an instant, we embraced, our hearts overflowing with gratitude and love.

Gabriel's presence was welcomed with open arms, a smile gracing my mother's face as she pulled him into a warm hug. "Thank you for keeping my daughter safe," she said sincerely, her voice filled with gratitude.

A sense of serenity washed over me as I stepped inside the house, finding myself surrounded by the comfort of familiar walls.

My mother moved with practiced ease, closing and securing the door, ensuring our sanctuary remained protected from the dangers that prowled beyond.

Sitting around the kitchen table,

my mother served us canned food, a humble but nourishing meal that carried the weight of a mother's love

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my mother served us canned food, a humble but nourishing meal that carried the weight of a mother's love. As we ate in grateful silence, a sense of contentment settled within us, basking in the warmth of companionship and the comfort of a shared meal.

As the comfort of my childhood home embraced us, a question weighed heavily on my heart. "Mom, did you manage to call Dad?" I inquired, hopeful for any news of my father.

My mother's expression shifted, a flicker of sadness crossing her features. "No, sweetheart," she replied with a heavy sigh. "The network has been down. I haven't been able to reach anyone."

Disappointment mingled with the lingering worry I had carried all this time.

The uncertainty of my father's well-being loomed over us, casting a shadow on our reunion. But in the face of adversity, we clung to hope, hoping that he, too, had found a way to endure in this tumultuous world.

My mother's attention then turned towards Gabriel, her eyes filled with curiosity. "And who is he?" she asked, gesturing towards him. "Is he a friend?"

A warm smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I responded, "Yes, Mom. He's a close friend. Gabriel saved me from the dangers that surrounded us. We've been through a lot together."

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