Chapter 16

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Just as I thought all hope was lost, a strong hand reached out and caught me, preventing me from falling into the clutches of the undead.

Gasping for breath, I looked up, and my heart skipped a beat. It was Gabriel, standing there with a determined look on his face.

Gasps of disbelief escaped our lips as we stared at him in amazement.

Jen and Liam were the first to react, their faces a mixture of shock and joy.

"Gabriel, you're alive!" Jen exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion.

A weary but determined smile graced Gabriel's face as he pulled me back to my feet. "I couldn't leave you all behind," he said, his voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and relief.

Liam couldn't hide his admiration. "You really made it back," he said, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Jack, nodded approvingly. "Welcome back," he said, his voice gruff but appreciative.

As our eyes locked in an intense gaze, a flood of emotions washed over me.
Without thinking, I leaned in, and our lips met in a tender, heartfelt kiss.

 Without thinking, I leaned in, and our lips met in a tender, heartfelt kiss

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The world around us faded away, and it felt like time had stopped. In that instant, it was as if a missing piece of myself had been found, as if a part of me that had been lost had come back to me.

"I thought..." I began to say, but Gabriel gently placed a finger on my lips, silencing me. His expression was filled with sincerity and determination.

"No, Athena," he said softly. "I won't leave you ever. We've been through too much together, and I'll always be by your side."

His words touched my heart, and I could feel the weight of his promise, a promise born from the unbreakable bond we shared as survivors in this harsh world.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I smiled at him, feeling a sense of gratitude and affection that words couldn't fully express.

In this world of darkness and despair, where danger lurked at every turn, having someone like Gabriel to rely on meant everything.

"We're in this together," I said, my voice filled with conviction. "No matter what comes our way, we'll face it together."

Gabriel nodded, his eyes never leaving mine. "Together," he echoed, his voice unwavering.

Gabriel's eyes surveyed our surroundings, and with a decisive tone, he issued his orders. "Jen, Jack, Liam, get inside the car," he said, pointing towards the large combat vehicle parked nearby.

 "Jen, Jack, Liam, get inside the car," he said, pointing towards the large combat vehicle parked nearby

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