Hylanna and Lucia - Part 3

Start from the beginning

Warp Darkmatter: There!

Sparx tries to use dark cage to capture The Councils as he punches her.

Warp Darkmatter: No! You are not putting them in the dark cage!

Azula: You are gonna sit here, and think about what you did to them!

Remi: Six Drawn Together, keep an eye on her. And make sure she won't escape.

The Companies and Moriarty runs upstairs.

Spanky Ham: Okay then.


Lucia: Did you put her in a cage?

Remi: Yes, we did.

Lucia: Oh thank God. Why would she do this?! There is no reason to banish us!

Remi: Yeah. We will not let her out of here until she calms down.

Duke: Yeah, sure.

Warp Darkmatter: We'll wait here until Six Drawn Together told us that she will calming down.

Missi: Okay.


Reverse Sonic was speeding roped on Everyone and tied.

Captain Hero: Oh no you don't! (Breaks the ropes)

He put Reverse Sonic in a cage with Sparx.

Captain Hero: You stay here too!

Sparx: Grrrrr!!!!

She tries to steal Captain Hero's powers, but Xandir punch Sparx in her face as she falls down.

Captain Hero: Thanks, Xandir.

Xandir: No problem.

Sparx was started to get angry and angry. she breaks out of the cage as she screams.

Sparx: I'm the new leader of the Dark Councils!!!

Praetorian Guards: (Use Spear)

Spanky Ham: Excuse us?! You do realize that Lucia is the leader of the Councils, right?!

Toot: You are not getting out of the cage until you apologize to her! Or so help us it's bone meal for dinner!

Sparx: Silence!!! I'm the new leader of the Dark Councils! Is that clear?!

Praetorian Guards: (Spear point everyone)

Xandir: Oh no, we're doomed.

Sparx: Long live The Dark Councils!

Reverse Sonic, Supergirl Black & Praetorian Guards: Long live The Dark Councils! Long live The Dark Councils!

Captain Hero: This is not good.

Xandir: Can we check on The Councils and Companies, please?

Sparx: (Sigh) Sure, Xandir.

Xandir: Thank you.


In Duke's room, Captain Hero opens the door.

Lucia: Is she calming down?

Captain Hero: Yes, she is.

Dr. Girlfriend: Alright, we should go and see her.

Lucia: Right.


Sparx: Hm?

Lucia: Hello there, Sparx.

Sparx: Lucia Goch, why are you still here?! Beat it!

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