Be Prepared for the Dance - Part 5

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Harvey: Hey, Ed and Eddy, what are you two watching?

Eddy: Oh we're just watching bad moon the werewolf movie. That is soo great.

Ed: Yeah.

Jeffy: Huh? What is that? (Seeing the werewolf on the TV killing that man) AHHHHHHH!!!!! SCARY MONSTER!!!!!!

Double D: What's with all the screaming?

Harvey: Jeffy, calm down. Don't worry, the monsters is just on TV. And they were watching bad moon that werewolf movie and the werewolf scared Jeffy.

Double D: What happened in there?

Ed: Jeffy screamed because he saw the werewolf on TV.

Double D: What?!

Harvey: Take a look at the werewolf. (Shows him the werewolf on TV)

Double D: Oh my goodness!!!!! Why?!?!

Harvey: Yeah. Even when you see a Yokai like that werewolf on TV-

Double D: I don't want to see this!!! (Runs off)


Meanwile At outside...

Jekyll: So, Monarch.

Monarch: Yes, Henry?

Jekyll: Do you ever wondering were you're wife are up to lately?

Monarch: I don't know. But I think she's with Lucia. And then, I think she's hiding something....

Jekyll: I think so too. But who?

As Dr. Girlfriend was spying on them, she hold the dart gun and shoots them like two times.

Jekyll: OW!

Monarch: Hey what the heeeeeee.......

Jekyll: Oh goooooo......

There was a thump as Henry and Monarch fell over. Dr. Girlfriend walks into them.


At the station, Monarch's eyes slowly opened and he groaned.

Monarch: Oh, my head....huh? Henry, wake up!

Jekyll's eyes slowly opened as well.

Jekyll: What just happened....?

Monarch: (Gasp)

Monarch was tied up to the chair, and so does Jekyll.

Monarch: I think we both tied up!

Jekyll: Where are we??

Monarch: I don't know, man!

???: Well well well. Look who's awake.

Jekyll: Huh? Who's there?

Dr. Girlfriend came out in front of them.

Dr. Girlfriend: Miss me, darling?

Monarch: Dr. Girlfriend?!

Dr. Girlfriend: That's Dr. Mrs The Monarch to you. Or The Councilwoman, maybe.

Monarch: It was you, isn't it??

Dr. Girlfriend: I sure am.

Jekyll: So you're the one who tied us up! What do you want from us anyway?!

Monarch: Yeah, we want to know!

Dr. Girlfriend: Remember a long time ago, we work together as The King and Queen Butterfly. Don't you remember?

Monarch: Yeah. I remember.

Jekyll: Well, Monarch told us about you, Sheila. You literally left him behind, don't you?

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