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Rory's P.O.V

I had been here for two days but it felt like two weeks. I had learned that this would be my last night here after being told that I would be taken to another facility similar to this one that was in Vegas in the morning. I headed back to my room and started packing my stuff in my bag when I heard my laptop alerting me that someone was wanting to start a video chat and I seen Cole's name on the screen, I quickly answered and noticed that he looked tired.

Rory: hey handsome, you look tired.

Colby: I am, we just got back from filming and I wanted to see you before I headed to bed. How was your day?

Rory: well I found out that I'm getting transferred to Vegas in the morning.

Colby: why are they transferring you...?

Rory: something about making the facility bigger, there's talk of them not opening back up until the end of next year so...

Colby: so...?

Rory: so, I will be finishing up the program in Vegas which should be fun cause Vegas is the best town ever!

Colby: you're so sarcastic baby.

I seen our daughter in the background with the guys when he looked over his shoulder.

Colby: do you want to say hey to the guys?

Rory: sure...

I wiped a tear away from my face while he told them that I was on the video chat and I seen them walk over then watched Cole put Kori on his lap.

Corey: hey Roro

Rory: hi guys...

Sam: how is the program working out for you?

Rory: it's going well, I was told that I could stay longer if I wanted to and I've been considering doing it...

Jake: why would you do that, you're already spending five months in the program after all

Rory: it was a joke guys, don't worry. I will be back home before you know it...

Colby: you had them taking you seriously for a minute...

We talked for another fifteen minutes before they left, I was told that it was lights out so I decided to finish talking with Cole with the lights off and I closed the curtains that were over the window near the door of my room.

Rory: sorry about that, the lights have to be off at a certain time.

Colby: do I need to let you go?

Rory: no not unless you want to hang up...

I seen that Kori was still sitting on his leg and staring at the screen when she finally recognized my voice.

Kori: hi mommy.

Rory: hi baby. Are you being good for your daddy?

Kori: yeah, when are you coming home?

Rory: I will be home soon baby, I promise.

Kori: I miss you mommy.

Rory: I miss you too sweetheart.

I watched as she hugged his neck and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

protect your heart Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon