date night

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Rory's P.O.V

After we got back home, Cole decided to take me out to dinner while Corey and Sam watched our daughter.

Corey: have fun you two...

Sam: take your time.

I was about to get in the car when I felt Cole stop me from reaching for the door handle and opened the door for me, I sat down on the seat and seen him close the door after I put the seat belt on as he got in the seat next to me.

Rory: so where are we going...?

Colby: that my dear is a surprise...

I leaned back and watched as he drove down the road and pulling into a spot that I didn't recognize, I took off the seat belt and stepped out of the car after he opened the door for me.

Rory: where are we...?

Colby: come on, I promise that you will love the surprise.

I seen a sign that said "Garrett's junkyard" as we continued walking to the place he wanted us to go.

Rory: I got dressed up just to come to a junkyard?

Colby: we have to walk through the junkyard to get there babe, I promise you're dressed for the part.

After thirty minutes of walking we finally arrived at the place he was taking me to and I seen a table that was sitting near the beach and noticed that the area had been decorated with a few candles lighting the way up to the table and a few lanterns that was sitting around the table with a bottle of champagne resting in ice and a bouquet of roses along with a tray of food on the other side of the table. I looked at the sight before of us and smiled at him.

Rory: you didn't have to go through the trouble doing all this, I would have been happy with a burger and fries as long as we got to spend some time alone.

Colby: a burger and fries? Nonsense, I would do anything to make you happy and burgers with fries isn't exactly what I would get you when we are having a date night and besides, I had help setting this up.

Rory: Corey and Sam...

Colby: No, Garrett helped me with this. I wasn't sure if you would like it since it is so close to the junkyard.

Rory: it's okay, I am sorry for sounding like I didn't like being in a junkyard but this is definitely worth it. Thank you for everything you have done for me.

Colby: there's nothing I wouldn't do to make you happy.

Rory: just being with you makes me happy Cole, you don't have to spend money to do that. I know I look high maintenance but I promise I would have been happy eating a burger as long as we are together.

Colby: do you want a burger?

Rory: you went through the trouble of putting this together and since we're already here...

After we finished our dinner, he drove to a quiet location that overlooked the city and we spent the rest of the night here, I was sitting in the backseat with him while we made out, I had felt him gently unzipping my dress while he was kissing my shoulders and neck after I had placed my back towards his chest and watched as my dress fell away from my body. I had instantly felt him push his dress pants away from his waist and felt him slide himself inside of me while he let out a deep grunt.

Colby: am I hurting you...?

Rory: no...

Thirty minutes passed and I had become a mess while he took control, I was moaning at this point and didn't know how much longer I could take it. I watched as he sat up and felt his hands on my waist as he gently pulled me towards him after he slid himself back inside of me and it didn't take him long to make me lose control again. The windows were fogged up from the heavy breathing we were doing and I had begun whimpering as we gently made love to each other. I felt him wrap his arms around me back while he placed kisses along my shoulder and neck.

Rory: Cole...

I heard him grunt after he rested his head on my chest and I knew he had to be finished, I gently ran my fingers through his hair while we were kissing each other, I gently pulled away and looked into his eyes.

Colby: what's wrong babe...?

Rory: nothing, I was just thinking that's all...

Colby: is it something you want to talk about?

Rory: I just never thought in a million years that I would ever end up being with the man of my dreams, from the first time I seen you that day Sam brought you over to spend the night with him I knew that I wanted to be with you but you made that promise to him and I thought my chances were over when I heard you tell him that...

Colby: to be honest with you, I only told him that to keep him off of my back I had fell in love with you from the moment I laid eyes on you but you were ten at the time and I was fourteen.

Rory: I love you Cole Robert Brock...

Colby: I love you too Aurora Shiloh Brock...

After I buttoned up his shirt and helped him pull his pants up and made sure they were zipped up, we heard someone tap on the window and Cole rolled it down and seen a cop standing there with a flashlight in his hand as he shined it in my face.

Cop: I'm gonna give you both a warning and I don't want to see you two here anymore, this is private property.

Rory: sorry officer, we didn't know it was private property.

Cop: get out of here before I change my mind.

Cole quickly crunk the car up and began driving away from here and back to the house. I was glad that he decided to wear a black button up shirt since I didn't have on a bra under the dress I was wearing, I headed inside with him following close behind me and I seen Sam and Corey watching a movie with the volume turned down.

Corey: dang girl, you look wore out.

Rory: I am, where is your goddaughter?

Sam: I put her to bed hours ago, I love the wild look by the way.

Rory: oh hush weirdo.

Sam: I see after all this time, you still can't keep your hands to yourself Cole Brock.

Colby: whatever dude...

I walked to our bedroom while looking back at Cole and got his attention after motioning for him to come with me.

Colby: it's time for round two, good night guys.

Sam: oh gross, if you two are going to do that can you keep the noise down so you don't wake up my niece?

Colby: I won't make any promises Sam, she's a wild one.

Corey: y'all are like rabbits dude, she's going to end up pregnant again...

Rory: I heard that...

Corey: good night you two...

Rory: good night...

I closed the door after Cole walked into the room but we didn't do anything but cuddle in bed before we went to sleep.

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