coming back

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Colby's P.O.V

A few months passed since the date night I had with Shiloh and we had been downstairs waiting for Corey and Sam to come over before we headed to another place to investigate when I heard someone knock on the door.

I thought it was one of the guys but was surprised when I opened the front door and seen him standing in front of me.

Colby: what are you doing here?

Jake: I know that I can't take back what I did but I wanted to come apologize to both of you, can I come inside?

I turned and looked at her but she was occupied with other things and didn't notice that I was standing at the door.

Colby: yeah but don't approach her, she's still upset about what you did that night. I don't want her being uncomfortable.

I watched as he walked inside after I moved and closed the door. I walked over to her and let her know that he was here. I knew that she was uncomfortable with him being in the same room as her but I made her stand beside me and felt her gently place her hand in mine and laid her head on my arm.

Jake: I know that I made you uncomfortable that night Aurora and I wanted to apologize for kissing you. I was wrong for doing it and if it's okay with you Colby, I would like to go with you guys and help film the video.

Colby: I don't know, what do you think Sam?

Sam: I say we let him come, if that's okay with you Rory.

Rory: fine but I'm not being left alone with him...

Jake: so do we hug it out or...?

I watched as Shiloh walked over to him after she looked up at me like she was asking for my approval and I nodded yes to her, I watched as they both hugged each other before she walked back over to me.

Sam: did you bring clothes with you Jake?

Jake: yeah, I never leave home with plenty of clothes just in case I decide to investigate somewhere.

Colby: I guess we can go now if you're ready Sam, we have a long drive...

I noticed that he was about to say something when Corey walked through the door.

Corey: sorry I'm late, I was-- what is he doing here?

Colby: he come to apologize to Rory for what he did last time he was with us and he is coming to help Sam and I with filming.

Corey: so I'm staying here with Rory?

Colby: no she's coming with us not unless she wants to stay here...

Corey: no I think it will do her some good to go with you guys, that way me and my mini me can go to the movies and dinner.

Rory: right well, don't spoil her Corey. She's going to want to move in with you when she's older.

Corey: that's okay, I wouldn't turn her away if she wants to move in with me.

Colby: let's get going, there's plenty of food in the freezer Corey and don't hesitate to call if something happens.

Corey: I will take good care of her while you're gone, have a safe trip you guys.

I grabbed the bag with my clothes and Rory's as I seen her hug Corey's neck.

Rory: thank you Corey.

Corey: you're welcome.

It didn't bother me that her and Corey were close cause I knew he thought of her like a sister. We left the house after I put our bag in the trunk and Sam did the same thing as I seen Jake get in the backseat after Shiloh got in the passenger seat. I quickly closed the trunk door and got in the seat next to her and Sam sat down next to Jake. I finally drove away from the house after I made sure I had my wallet and phone. I couldn't help but notice that she was quiet for a portion of the drive but I decided to pull into a rest area and let Sam drive while Jake got in the passenger seat.

After Shiloh and I got in the backseat, she quickly laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep, I got a quick picture of her sleeping against my shoulder and uploaded it to my Instagram account and tagged her in it with a caption that said "cherishing moments like this." I knew she would probably get me back later but I didn't care because I wasn't ashamed of being with her. I wanted the whole world knowing that I was in love with her despite what others had to say about our relationship. She was the love of my life and I didn't want to be with anyone else.

Two hours passed and she woke up, I knew that she was probably getting hungry along with the others so we pulled over to get something to eat, I wasn't sure how she was feeling since she had to be in the car for hours knowing that Jake made her uncomfortable but I was determined to find out how she was feeling.

Colby: You guys go ahead and order, we will be inside in a few.

Sam: okay...

After they walked inside, I grabbed her hand and gently pulled her towards me as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

Colby: I know you're uncomfortable around him but you can tell me if he is bothering you.

Rory: it does bother me that he is with us but I will have to let it go so the tension won't be on the camera. I will be fine though I promise...

I pulled her waist towards mine and gently kissed her forehead.

Colby: I won't leave your side babe, I promise...

Rory: I love you but I'm hungry, can we go eat?

I felt her holding my hand as we walked inside and ordered something to eat and I remembered the comment she made about the burger and fries so I ordered it for her while she was in the bathroom.

We finally arrived to the city where we would be filming tomorrow night but in the mean time, we decided to get a hotel room before we had to go to the place tomorrow and meet with the owners of the asylum. Sam and I had grabbed our bag from the trunk and I locked my car before we headed inside to get a room, I got a room for Shiloh and myself while then other two got separate rooms so they could have privacy and we had just walked into our room when I seen her head straight for the bathroom as I heard her vomiting, I opened the door and held her hair back so it wouldn't get near her mouth. I was concerned about her because she had been sick for half the day.

Colby: you should have stayed home babe, what's wrong?

Rory: I've been sick since we got to the restaurant.

I decided to run us a warm shower and that's when she told me what was really going on with her...

Rory: I'm pregnant Cole...

I didn't say anything to her but I held her close while the warm water ran down her back. I had helped her to bed after we got out of the shower and I slowly slid closer to her and wrapped my arms around her then felt her gently rub my arm before we fell asleep.

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