crossing the line ( pt. 2)

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Colby's P.O.V

I walked away from Jake and the other two as I looked for Shiloh but she was not in the building anywhere so I headed outside and looked around the garden and heard her crying on one of the concrete benches that was hidden between the rose bushes. I walked over to her and sat down on the ground next to her. I knew she had to be thinking that I was going to yell at her but I spoke calmly to her and seen her look at me with tears in her eyes and the eyeliner messed up.

Colby: what happened between you and him?

Rory: he kissed me...

Colby: did he do anything else?

Rory: no but I'm sure he would have if Corey didn't show up when he did, he kissed me twice and I didn't pushbhim away the second time he kissed me, he told me that he loves me.

Colby: do you love him...?

Rory: no, I love you...

Colby: I don't understand why he would kiss you...

Rory: I will understand if you want to take time away from me Cole. I can handle the distance now if it's what you want.

Colby: If I do that, Jake will think we are splitting up and I don't want him being the reason we separate and we have a daughter to think about, I would never hurt you or her.

Rory: I just wanna go back to the hotel, I don't think I can handle being around him for the rest of the night.

Colby: it's an hour drive from here but I promise that you won't be left alone with him anymore tonight.

Rory: can I stay with you, Sam or Corey?

Colby: speaking of Sam and Corey, they're walking over here. Dry your eyes baby so they don't think I made you cry.

I pulled a few wet wipes out of my bag and cleaned her face and seen the makeup come off after I was done.

Corey: so Jake decided to leave. I'm pretty sure he won't come back around after tonight.

Sam: how are you doing Rory...?

Rory: I'm okay and I apologize for walking away without letting you guys know...

Colby: you have nothing to be sorry about babe.

Sam: should we go back to the house before the owners think we just up and left.

Rory: yeah...

Corey: are you feeling up to this Rory...?

Rory: yeah I'm sure as long as I'm not left alone with Jake again.

Sam: me and Corey watched him leave in his car so...

Colby: I think it's better that way, let's go back inside.

I helped Shiloh stand up and made sure her clothes wasn't dirty, I watched as Sam and Corey headed back inside and I finished talking with her before we joined them.

Colby: are you sure you're okay with finishing up here?

Rory: yeah, I will be fine now that Jake is gone. We should go back inside before they come back out.

I watched as she starting walking towards the house and I grabbed her wrist while making her look at me.

Colby: you're my girl Aurora and I would never let you go unless the man upstairs took you away from me.

Rory: I love you Cole...

Colby: I love you too Aurora...

I gave her a quick kiss before we headed back inside. I wasn't sure if why Jake thought it was okay for him to try and take her away from me but I had decided that I would make it up to her for making her cry. I promised her that I would never hurt her again and I wasn't going to break that promise.

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