a new life

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Rory's P.O.V

I had been checked into the hospital for the arrival of the child I was carrying as I was upset that Cole wasn't here with me even though Jake stayed with me for support, I knew that Sam was probably still upset with me but I didn't care at this point because he had Cole locked up and now he was going to miss the birth of our child.

I felt the tears run down my face and it got Jake's attention...

Jake: it's going to be okay Aurora, I know he would want to be here and not sitting behind bars.

Rory: I just wish things didn't get violent between him and Sam, I miss him...

Jake: I know you do...

I seen him look towards the door of the hospital room and I seen Sam standing there.

Rory: what is it Sam...?

Sam: I wanted to apologize for how I've been acting lately and I know that I can't physically break Colby out of jail but there is someone here that wants to see you.

Rory: who is it?

I seen someone dressed in a nurse's outfit and wearing a mask over his face...

Sam: come on Jake, let's give them some privacy.

I seen Sam pat the guy on the shoulder before they left me alone with the guy...

Rory: I don't know what my brother told you but this isn't hilarious...

I seen him look down while he laughed and I immediately recognized his laugh...

Rory: Cole...?

Colby: I told you that I would be here for the birth of our child...

Rory: how did you get out...?

Colby: Sam dropped the charges and the judge decided to throw out the case. I got here as quick as I could. I hope I'm not too late.

Rory: no, I haven't went into labor yet. I hope you and Sam are good now.

Colby: yeah, we're good...

He pulled off the nurse's outfit and sat down beside me while we waited for me to go into labor.

Rory: I'm glad you're here...

Colby: me too babe...

I felt him gently kiss my forehead as I felt a sharp pain shoot along my stomach and I quickly grabbed his hand and squeezed.

Colby: is it a labor pain...?

Rory: no, the baby is coming. Can you get the nurse?

I watched as he walked over to the nurse's station before he walked back into the room, the nurse looked to see what was going on when I seen her leave and come back with the doctor...

Doctor: we need to get her to the delivery room now.

Nurse: are you the father of the baby?

Colby: yes...

I seen the nurse hand him a mask and a pair of gloves while she placed a hair net on his head and making sure none of his hair was showing and I watched as he walked beside me while the bed was pushed to the delivery room.

After several minutes of pushing, our child was finally here and the nurse announced that it was a girl. I watched as she handed me our daughter and seen Cole crying a little.

Colby: she's so tiny.

Nurse: congratulations you two, what are you going to name her?

We thought for a minute and finally decided on a name as Cole told the nurse.

Colby: Kori Jaycee Brock...

Nurse: that's a beautiful name.

She wrote it down on the birth certificate along with our names and placed it on the bed while she pushed the bed back to the room I was just and gave us some privacy.

Colby: you did great babe, I'm so proud of you...

Rory: we did good, she wouldn't be here without you.

After I fed her, I handed her to Cole and got a picture of him holding her. She looked so tiny in his arms and he was so gentle with her, I talked with Cole about an idea that I had and he thought it was a great idea and I seen Sam walk in the room with Jake and Corey while they had a few things in their arms that they bought from the gift shop.

Rory: hey guys...

Sam: hey Rory, where's the baby?

I pointed to Cole and he looked over at him, he was walking around while gently rocking her since she was sleeping.

Sam: she's so precious, what did you two decide to name her?

Rory: her name is Kori Jaycee Brock, we agreed to name her after her godfathers.

Corey: you named her after me and Jake..?

Rory: yeah, Cole and I decided to let you and Jake be her godfather not unless you don't want to...

Jake: I would be happy to be her godfather.

Corey: I agree with Jake.

Colby: it's settled than, do you want to hold her Sam?

Sam: sure...

I watched as Cole handed her over to Sam.

Rory: that's a good look on you Sam, so when do I become an aunt?

Sam: very funny Rory but it's not going to happen anytime soon so you'll have to wait.

Rory: you're not getting any younger bro...

After they left, both his parents and mine come to see their granddaughter before Cole took her from me and placed her in to the bed next to me so we could get some rest.

Her mom: we will go so you both can rest.

His mom: we are proud of you two.

After they left the room, I watched as he fell asleep in the chair while he holding my hand. It made me happy seeing him here and not in jail, I never wanted to see him that way again and I hoped that him and Sam never argued with each other again but only time would tell.

protect your heart Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora