hearing her pain

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Colby's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since I broke up with Rory over a video call and even though I kept a check on her, I felt the same pain she was feeling. I was talking to Sam on a video call when I noticed her standing in the background, I could tell that she stopped caring about her appearance just by the way she had her hair pulled up in a messy bun.

Colby: you weren't kidding when you said your sister was an emotional wreck...

I watched as he looked over his shoulder and seen Rory standing in front of the window while looking out at the city before he looked back at the camera...

Sam: yeah dude, it's like a part of her died when you broke up with her, she just stopped caring about her appearance and she doesn't eat much anymore. She is hurting and I don't know what else to do for her...

Colby: I thought she would be better off without me but I guess I was wrong...

Sam: she's cried herself to sleep every night since you called things off and I wish there was something I could tell her that made her feel better but all she wants is you.

Colby: she needs to grieve but she will eventually forget about me.

Sam: she told me that you're the love of her life dude, she isn't going to ever forget about you, she loves you.

Colby: I love her too...

Sam: so why don't you call her or something if you love her instead of continue putting her through the pain she's feeling? All she wants is you Colby and I want my sister back. It's like I'm living with a stranger, she doesn't even talk to me anymore without crying.

Colby: I didn't realize that I hurt her that much, I promise that wasn't my intentions.

Sam: I know but you hurt her bad when you left her, she really does need you Colby and I would like to see both of you happy again.

Colby: I just don't want anyone hurting her anymore.

Sam: she is hurting dude and forget about that creep that put her in the hospital, he won't be bothering anyone ever again, the cops come by earlier and let us know that he was gunned down after having a stand off with other officers. He passed away to the gun shot wounds.

Colby: I guess I can call her, does she have her laptop around her?

Sam: yeah. I think she might be expecting a video call or something but I don't know cause she stays in her room majority of the time.

Colby: I will call you later, I'm going to see if she will answer my video call request.

Sam: alright, good luck dude. Talk with you later.

I ended the call with Sam and sent a request for a video chat to Shiloh and hoped that she would accept it which she did and she looked worse than I thought.

Rory: hi...

Colby: hey, you look terrible. Is everything okay?

Rory: I guess it doesn't matter since I don't have any reason to look good anymore, it's not like I have a boyfriend or anything.

Colby: I know that you're mad about how I broke up with you but you'll always be beautiful.

Rory: did Sam talk you into calling me, if so I'm going to hurt him.

Colby: he didn't talk me into calling you, calm down.

Rory: don't tell me to calm down...

Colby: what's gotten into you Shiloh?

I watched as she got up and shut door after Sam stood in the doorway of her bedroom. I knew she wanted to  talk in private so she sat her laptop down on a table that sat in front of the window as she looked down towards the city.

Rory: nothing has gotten into me Colby, I just... you probably don't care anymore.

Colby: I will always care about you Shiloh and what's with calling me Colby all of a sudden?

Rory: what would have me call you, jerk? good for nothing? heartbreaker?

Colby: that's enough Shiloh. I know that I broke your heart but you don't need to call me names.

Rory: you're right, you did break my heart and you think calling me now is going to fix things between us? I cried myself to sleep every night since you broke up with me and talking to you now doesn't help that fact... I  don't want to feel this way anymore, you hurt me badly.

Colby: I never wanted to hurt you Shiloh, I just wanted to keep you safe...

Rory: I didn't give a damn about that guy who attacked me because he didn't hurt me like the way I am hurting knowing that I can't have you in my life ever again.

Colby: I can see that me calling you was a mistake and I won't keep the video call going any longer, I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me for hurting you Rory.

Rory: I do forgive you Cole, I just want you back in my life again. I can't keep doing this, I miss you...

Colby: I miss you too Shiloh...

Rory: I am sorry for everything that I put you through...

I seen the tears fall from her eyes and Sam walked into the room and held her while she cried on his shoulder.

Sam: I'm ending the call, Colby if you care about her then you will fix this, I'm tired of seeing her hurting...

He ended the call after he said that and I knew he was right, I needed to fix this and take away the pain she felt.

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