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Rory's P.O.V

After we finished filming, we were on the way back home when it happened, I watched as Sam pulled over to a nearby rest area and I quickly got out of the car and headed to the bathroom with Cole following close behind me.

Colby: babe, what's wrong...?

Rory: I can't feel the baby anymore.

Colby: we should take you to the hospital instead of being here.

I knew he was right and he had Sam take me to the nearest hospital and was treated immediately after being told that I had a miscarriage which broke Cole's heart and mine. I was given some medication to help with it and I immediately was released from here, we headed back to the car and I climbed in the backseat next to Cole and laid my head on his lap while Jake drove the rest of the way home. I felt Cole gently run his fingers through my hair while I cried which confused Sam and Jake because they didn't know that I got pregnant again, I hadn't told anyone about it but Cole.

Sam: pull the car over Jake.

I felt the car come to a complete stop and Sam turned around and looked at me.

Sam: what's going on...?

Colby: she was pregnant again but she lost it.

I felt mybeyes begin getting heavy and heard him say something else before I fell asleep...

Sam: I'm so sorry Rory...

I had no memory of what happened after that but I woke up back home in our bed, I looked around for him but he wasn't in the room so I climbed out of bed and walked into the living room and seen Corey, Jake, Sam and my daughter spending time together, I seen Cole standing in the kitchen making something to eat when I wrapped my arms around his waist...

Colby: hey babe, how are you feeling?

Rory: I feel like shit...

I felt him pick me up and sit me on the counter after he finished cooking, he immediately wrapped his arms around my chest while I hugged his neck and buried my face between my arm and the side of his neck as I quietly cried where they guys couldn't hear me...

Colby: it's going to be okay babe. I'm here for you.

Rory: I love you so much baby, I'm so sorry.

Colby: I love you too babe but this isn't your fault.

I moved my head from where I had it and let out a loud sob and seen the guys walk over to where we were as they all gave me their condolences while I was still held onto Cole. I let go of him long enough so they could give me a hug and I watched our daughter walk over to me and watched Jake pick her up after she reached for me.

Kori: don't be sad mommy.

I gave her a slight squeeze and she went back to Jake, I looked in his eyes for a slight second and seen him smile at me before I felt Cole hold me again. He carried me to bed and laid next to me until I fell asleep again since the medicine I got from the hospital made me drowsy but it did it's job

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