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                     Phantom Assassin

Obake was what you would call a professional at their. Throughout the years they've killed warlords, assassinated rival politicians, stole vital intel for different countries. A master of disguises, mastery of seven different martial arts, and charisma like no other, Obake was without doubt one of the best assassins in the world.

And you would've never guessed their carrier by looking at them. Short black hair, green eyes, on the thinner side. On the surface Obake looked normal. In fact they looked too normal. But they had seen and done almost everything a person could ever do.

Who knew that being one of the greatest assassins in the world would end up being so boring? Once you've done everything, nothing seems fun anymore. Just another job. Just another place. 

Then they got the call from their newest client. Obake flipped open one of their many burner phones. Only someone who was interested in the Many Faced Assassin would have one of these l numbers. Obake sighed and answered.

"Who is it?" Obake lazily asked.

"Good evening. I hope i wasn't interrupting anything." a man said from the other end. Just from the voice along, Obake could tell he was an arrogant piece of shit just by the voice alone. But so long as his money was green then what did they care? With luck they won't need their services again and Obake can move on with their life.

"Alright what can I do for ?" Obake said "just know I have my limits. I ain't killing any kids or pets. Especially dogs."

"Before I continue further, I have to ask you something first." the man replied "And you have to answer truthfully." Obake raised an eyebrow.

"Shoot." Obake replied.

"Do you dream?" That was an odd question. Of course they dreamed. Everyone has dreams.

"Yeah?" Obake said "What do dreams have to do with anything?"

"Do you feel watched in those dreams?" Obake paused. Now that the client mentioned it, since Obake was a kid they did feel stalked whenever they dreaming. On one or two occasions Obake felt watched even after they woke up.

"Who are you?" Obake asked again "what kind of question is that?"

"So you do. Perfect. You're just who I'm looking for." This is ridiculous, the person has to be either joking or completely insane. So why couldn't they put it down? A curiosity took over Obake. They had to know the answer.

"You didn't answer my question. Who are you?" Obake said.

"I'll keep that to myself for now. Confidentiality and all. All I need from you is to participate in the Holy Grail War."

"What the Hell are you talking about?" Obake said "or should I just hang up?" The client explained what exactly this "Holy Grail War" was. As he went on the story got more and more ridiculous. That their dreams were connected to another being called a Heroic Spirit.

Despite how outlandish these claims sounded sounded, Obake agreed to this assignment. The client said he was willing to pay them an obscene amount of money.

"Who knows." Obake said "Maybe this could turn out to be very interesting."


Obake had met with the client at a high end restaurant in Shinjuku. He looked a little younger than Obake. Kate twenties, early thirties. He curly blue hair that almost looked like seaweed and grey blue eyes. Despite his outward demeanor, they were clearly using some sort of drug. Nothing to strong like heroin or cocaine. It was most likely some antidepressant.

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