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                         Phantom Lancer

Phantom Lancer stretched out his arms as they got off the airport. His true name was Jack Frost. The personification of ice and snow himself. He looked so pale, you wouldn't be blamed if you thought he was deathly sick. His eyes were a bright blue, same with his hair.

"Ah! Welcome to England, Master!" he said "a nice change from Japan if you ask me. Or perhaps it's because of my origins that I'm much more comfortable with Western culture." he shrugged "or maybe it's the weather."

His Master sighed. This wasn't the first time she dealt with Servants before. When she was young, their were six living in her city, right in front of her face. One even tried to flirt with her and her friends! Though looking back, what did she expect from a Celtic warrior who lived centuries ago? By his standards he was probably a noble and just man.

But that was then and this is now.

Phantom Lancer was a different story. He was ruthless, chaotic, and chill like snow. However he turned out to be also very bubbly and energetic, even a little quirky.

"I see you like to travel, Phantom Lancer?" she asked him. The Heroic Spirit stretched stretched out his arms.

"Possibly." Phantom Lancer replied Keep in mind Phantoms like myself have, well for the lack of a better term, never existed. This is all a brand new experience for us!"

"Just try not to catch any attention."

"Who said I was? Look around and tell me there aren't a bunch of freaks and weirdos around here."

Why am I stuck with him? she thought to herself. That being said, Phantom Lancer was probably a very reliable Servant. Assuming the other Servants were Phantoms like him and not Heroic Spirits like the ones in Fuyuki. There near death encounter with Archer proved that much.

"My running theory is that because the Servants from Fuyuki were still alive, this new Grail used Phantoms as substitutes."

"While it's possible, there was a Grail War with fourteen Heroic Sprits." Phantom Lancer reminded her "Granted I only know because of the Grail's knowledge none of them were Phantom Spirits like myself."

"I don't think we have to think about the details of how you were created right now though." His Master said "There are other Servants that need to be defeated."

"And London is jam packed full of magi from Clock Tower, eager to see what's gonna unfold."

"Or they were contracted to kill Masters." She flipped out her phone and went through her contacts until she landed on one, Shirou Emiya. She looked at the contact.

"Whoa whoa whoa, Master wait." Phantom Lancer said "yeah, your friend was apart of the Grail War but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to call him. Besides time here's like what five? Six hours ahead of Japan?"

"We need all the information we can get. Emiya may be our best shot."

"Yeah, but after our encounter with Archer, I don't think Saber and Rider are gonna be to pleased with my very existence. Neither would Shirou. He destroyed the Grail."

"And he might do it again." she shut off her phone. For now she wasn't going to do anything. But she was probably going to need his advice eventually.

"Now then. Why don't we go get something to eat, I'm famished!"


Airplane food wasn't anything special. It was food for a quick meal. But Phantom Lancer didn't seem to care.

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