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Phantom Saber

Evelyn finished the summoning circle. She could feel butterflies in her stomach. She wasn't suppose to be doing this. Who knows what kind of trouble she would get in if she failed. But if she succeeded and summoned a Servant, perhaps she'll finally be recognized.

Evelyn was a young woman in her twenties. She was small and petite with wavy blonde hair then went past her shoulders and bright blue eyes. She wore simple pink and white pajamas, soft as can be.

She placed the chalk on the table beside her and grabbed the ancient book beside the chalk. It was tattered from age, On the cover was a golden tree resembling the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The alchemical symbols were replaced by nine different warriors who Evelyn concluded were the nine classes. Saber, Lancer, Archer, Berserker, Caster, Assassin along with two extra classes, Avenger and Ruler. The tenth symbol at the center of the tree represented the Master.

Evelyn glanced one last time to her door. Everyone was asleep. Her parents, her brother Xander, little Arabella. Good. She didn't need them to ruin the ritual.

Evelyn turned back to the circle and took a deep breath. She opened the book and flipped to
Page 78 where the incantation for the ritual was in the book. She had memorized the words by heart whenever her family wasn't looking but it doesn't hurt to look one last time.

Evelyn placed the book in the circle and raised her hand in the air. Evelyn noticed her arm trembling and grabbed her wrist with her other hand. She was a Jaskeer. She wasn't afraid. She couldn't be afraid.

"Don't worry about it Evelyn." she reassured herself "you can do this." Evelyn took a breath and exhaled and she begun the ritual.

"Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation." Evelyn chanted Let the color I pay tribute to be the ancestor. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall."

A cold wind went through the room, sending a shiver down Evelyn's spine. From the corner of her eye she saw the shadows that came from the lit candles twirled and danced. Most eerily of all, Evelyn could hear frantic and hushed whispers in the darkness.

Evelyn ignored all of it. She couldn't think about any distraction. The only thing that mattered was summoning this Servant, whoever they may be.

"Let the four cardinal gates close." Evelyn continued, her voice now raising as she started to have more confidence in herself. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate. I now declare. Your body shall serve under me."

The circle dimly glowed and the wind got stronger. A whirlwind began to swirl around the circle. Evelyn widened her eyes. It was working.

"Evelyn! What are you doing!?" That feeling of butterflies in her stomach came back. That voice belonged to Lord Gregory Jaskeer. Her father.

I must've woken them up! Evelyn thought to herself of course I did. I shouldn't looked the door.

"Evelyn stop this right now! I demand you end this madness!" her father snapped. She couldn't break concentration. Who knows what would happen if she did.

"My fate shall be your weapon!" she cried out "Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail! Even with the wind howling, she could hear her father approaching. Trying to stop her from complete ritual.

"Wait Gregory! Look!" Evelyn heard another familiar voice say. It was the voice of her mother. She was keeping her father at bay. So Evelyn could summon the Servant.

The circle burst into a column of light and the wind almost blew everyone back. Evelyn was actually summoning a Heroic Spirit!

"She's doing it. She's actually doing it." Evelyn heard her mother say. Her words empowered Evelyn like a battery.

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