Chapter 16: He squeezed my hand!! I swear he did!! (Edited)

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Natan's POV:


Another week of Sep laying in this hospital bed, clinging to life.

However, there have been some changes.

About two days ago, Sep started trying to breathe on his own so the doctors had decided to remove the ventilator and so for the last 48 hours, he has been breathing on his own and doing just fine. He is doing really well for having been on the verge of death two weeks ago. The bruising around his neck is almost gone, and the doctors had done surgery about three days ago to ‌put his skull back together, where they had removed parts to release the pressure on his brain. I knew he was going to be pissed about the fact they had to shave his head for the surgeries. But as long as he wakes up, his hair will grow back beautifully.

He is breathing on his own and occasionally his eyelids will flutter gently, meaning there is improvement, but it isn't much. The good thing is there is a high chance of him waking up since he is supporting himself.

I squeeze his hand again and fix the oxygen tube that had slightly slipped off his ear.

Then I froze.

Third-person POV:

Natan was still frozen when his dad entered the room with a tray of food. Natan had finally started eating again now that Sepher was starting to improve.

"Natan?" The King asked gently as his son stared at where his hand was intertwined with his boyfriend's.

"He squeezed my hand back, Dad," Natan spoke, almost disbelieving. He didn't want to get his hopes up.

The king was skeptical. Since Sepher had started breathing on his own, it seemed that Sepher squeezed Natan's hand once per hour.

Natan looked up at his dad. "You don't believe me."

King William walked over and set the tray of food on the table beside Sepher's bed. "Son... I want to believe yo-"

The king was cut off by a groan that was released from Sepher's throat.


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