Chapter 24: The diner

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(Pretend the diner has like Nockfell stuff instead of Americana stuff and the booths/chairs are yellow and black (the royal colors)

Natan’s POV:


We had arrived at the restaurant. 

Me and Samael wanted to go to a really nice place by the castle but thanks to both of us being wrapped around either Asher or Sep’s fingers, we were in a small diner on the far side of the town. 

This diner was actually really cute. It had all sorts of memorabilia from Nockfell history. It was really cool to see so much stuff from Nockfell's past. Obviously the museum has a history collection but to see a personal collection this large is impressive.

“How may I help you tod- Asher! Sepher! I haven't seen you two in forever! How are you?” A young waitress asked.

“We're good. How are you?” Sepher replied with a friendly smile. You could tell the three were friends.

“I'm good. Mama told me what happened at the café. Are you doing better now, Sep?” The waitress asked while gathering our menus and leading us to a table.

“Yes, I'm doing much better.” Sep answered with a smile.

“That's good. How's your mama?” The waitress stopped at a booth and turned to look at Sep.

“She's at peace with my dad now.” 

“Did you at least get to say goodbye?”

“Yes. Me and her were able to have a discussion about it and so I'm doing more okay than I thought I would be.”

“That's good. Well, you guys sit down and figure out what you want to eat. Can I take your drink orders?” We gave her our drink orders and then we all sat down. Sep and Asher were on the insides, with me and Samael on the outs. 

“So, how do you guys know the waitress?” I asked, looking back and forth between Sep and Asher.

“Her dad owns this diner.” Asher started. 

Then Sep finished the answer, “And her mom owns the café.”

Me and Samael nodded. 

“So why isn't the café covered in Nockfell history then?” Samael asked

“The history collection is Madeline's dad's. The plants that are at the café are her mom's. Each parent got tired of the other collection being in the house so they started a café and a diner.” Sep answered while he leaned his head on my shoulder.

Samael nodded. “That makes sense, I guess.”

We spent the next two hours laughing and talking until someone very familiar came up to the table. 

“Natey!!” Called a very high pitched and over exaggerated voice.

“Ms. Serpine.” I replied formally without even looking at the owner of the voice.

CLIFFHANGER!!!! Also I wrote this mostly on my phone so that's an accomplishment for me. Also at church today they were doing the sprinkling of the water and the deacon tried to drown me *Sobs* (Ps. I'm fine I'm just dramatic. But the water did get in my eyes.)

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