Chapter 10: The Ambulance (Edited)

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Third-person POV:


(TW: More slurs, violence, blood.)

Several news crews had arrived by now, and when Natan spoke, everyone froze.

Prince Natan was... gay??

Sir Woolks was the first to speak.

"What did you just say to me, boy?" Sir Woolks hissed.

"I said that the human being you are currently manhandling is my boyfriend and your future king. So, you will refrain from disrespecting him ever again. If you wish to continue to live in Nockfell, that is." Natan's voice was smooth and calm. It never wavered once despite his tone being similar to how you would speak to the person who just punched your baby sibling.

"Your father would never allow a faggot and a tranny to sit upon the throne." Sir Andrew Woolks spit out.

"Actually, Andrew. I am quite proud of my son. I trust that he and Sepher will rule this kingdom with fairness and justice when I retire." King William's voice rang out in the crowded street. He stood right in front of Sir Andrew. Having a stare down with him.

"You are hereby permanently removed from the royal court. Don't let me ever see your face on the castle grounds again." And with that, the King turned, dismissed everyone, and left.

As King William dealt with Andrew, Natan rushed to his boyfriend's side.

Sepher was fading in and out of consciousness, with Asher at his side.

"Sep? Baby, please. You have to keep your eyes open." Natan spoke as he knelt by his injured boyfriend. Sepher had a severe injury to the back of his head from Andrew, slamming him into the wall. His neck was also forming bruises from where he had been choked.

"Mmm~ Nooo~ 'm owieee~," Sepher slurred.

The ambulance pulled up and EMTs quickly rushed to Sepher's side. They gently pushed Asher and Natan to the side and started checking Sepher out. They talked between themselves as they put a neck brace on Sepher and put him on the stretcher.

"If one of you is coming to the hospital, come on. We need to go now." Natan looked at Asher, who just nodded and walked over to the cop car to give his statement.

Natan rushed to the ambulance and climbed in. The door was quickly shut, and the ambulance took off.

As the EMT worked to stabilize Sepher, he started asking Natan questions. "Has he ever had a concussion before?"

"I'm not sure. He doesn't speak much about his life before we met."

"Okay. I need his full name?"

"Sepher Gable."

The EMT immediately stopped working. "Your Highness... We aren't allowed to treat this patient. This patient is trans."

"What do you mean, you aren't allowed to?"

"There was a law passed by the former king. We aren't allowed to treat anyone who follows the LGBTQ+ lifestyle."

"Well, by order of the crown, you are allowed to treat him."

"Please sign here. If you don't, I could lose my job."

As Natan reached for the clipboard, Sepher coded.


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