Chapter 14: It's been a week now🎶 (Edited)

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Natan's POV


It's been a week.

7 days since Andrew Woolks almost killed Sep.

He has been arrested and charged with assault and attempted murder. My father allowed Lady Woolks and Samael to remain in the court, but Andrew would continue to be permanently banned.

I don't know what to do. I'm sitting at Sep's bedside. He still hasn't woken up. The swelling of his brain has gone down, but there is no way to tell if there will be permanent damage or not until he wakes up... If he wakes up.

I put my head in my hands and rubbed my face. I haven't slept much since the event, and I haven't showered either. A fact that is made evident by my best friend walking into the room.

"You smell like a pig." His words were teasing but his tone was concerned.

"Thanks," I say sarcastically as I reach my hand out for the coffee cup he held.

"No. If you want this, you go shower. Your mom dropped stuff off when you passed out earlier." He pulls the coffee cup back as he speaks.

"Wait- I fell asleep? Was th-"

"No, there were not any updates. Go shower."

I grumble as I stand up and walk to the bathroom attached to the hospital room. This was stupid. Sep needs to wake up. I need him. My last memory of him couldn't be him lying in a hospital bed. I need him to wake up. I need to tell him I love him. We haven't been together long, but I know he is the love of my life.

I'm backkkkkkkkk. Back again. Sorry for the wait! I'm currently taking some of the hardest classes my school offers so updates will be sporadic. Byeeeeeeeeee!!

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