Chapter 7: The Question (Edited)

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Sepher's POV:


Finally, a day off.

Sunday is definitely my favorite day of the week because it's my day off. And a certain Prince also happened to have the day off, so he invited me to his place to hang out.

I want him, badly. I really hope either he asks me out or I get the courage to ask him out soon.

I walked to the castle watching as the surrounding kingdom changed from houses that belonged to families that were doing alright but definitely weren't rich into gold-plated doors. Literally. I should probably mention, nobody in Nockfell was poor. The royal family made sure everyone had everything they needed, but some people most definitely had it better than the rest of us.

As I got closer to the castle, the questioning looks got more frequent, but nobody came up to me. Until I got to the castle gates, that is.

"Who are you?" A very loud guard asked.

"Um... I'm Sepher. I'm here to see Natan- er Prince Natan." I say as I cower under his intimidating gaze.

"He's with me, Gerald!" called a familiar voice.


"Hello, Darling." He replied while the guard looked at me, shocked.

Omg did I say that out loud??

I smiled awkwardly. I rubbed my neck in embarrassment under all the shocked gazes of the guards, a couple of nobles, and some members of the serving staff who had heard the interaction.

"Darling?" said an oddly familiar voice. "Now you don't just go around calling anybody that, Natan." That's when Sir Samael Woolks walked into my line of vision. He put his arm around Natan and looked me up and down.

"Did he just check me out??"

"Yes, I did." I looked at him, petrified.

Lord, please allow this ground to swallow me whole.

I turned bright red and hid my face in my hands. I felt someone put their arm around my waist and start leading me inside.

After we got inside, I finally looked up and saw that it was Natan who led me inside, and thankfully, not just some random stranger.

He looked at me and mumbled "So cute" under his breath.


Time skip brought to you by L skipping my birthday (no I will never let this go)


"Okay, what about 'Shadows of Destiny'?" Natan asks me.

We are currently sitting in his room trying to pick a movie.

"Isn't that the one with that actress that was just voted the best actress of the year? Her name's Emily Limey or something like that?"

"Yeah, that's the one," he said, turning to look at me.

"Okay. We can watch that one. It sounds pretty good."


Time skip brought to you by my friends playing Minecraft without me.


We are currently laying on his bed watching the movie- well, I was watching the movie, Natan, however, was staring at me. He used his finger to guide my chin so that I was looking at him instead of the TV.

"What?" I ask as I look into his beautiful eyes; which had quickly become my favorite things to look at.

"You're just so incredibly pretty." He says, maintaining eye contact. I blushed and looked away before he used the finger that hand turned into his whole hand holding my chin and lifted it so that I was looking at him again. He slowly started to lean in and I leaned towards him as well. Our lips met in the middle, and I melted into the kiss. A minute later, we broke apart, panting slightly.

I looked at him as I caught my breath.

"Was that your first kiss?" He suddenly asks me.

"Yeah, was it that bad?" I asked worriedly.

"No. It was perfect." He says as he kisses me again.

Eventually, we pulled away from each other.

He held eye contact as he gently cupped my face in his hands.

"Natan?" I asked quietly. It's now or never.

"Yes, Sep?"

"Will you um..." I took a deep breath and tried again.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I watch as his face completely lights up.

"YES!! YES OF COURSE I WILL!!" He exclaimed happily.

I just smiled and kissed him again.

Yeah, this was perfect. It should stay this way forever.

Thank you all for reading!! Please leave feedback!!!

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