Chapter 27: I don't think Sep loves Wednesdays anymore...

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Sepher's POV:


I love Wednesdays.

I don't know why but I've always loved Wednesday. It's always been my favorite day of the week.

I was currently cleaning a table in the cafe when the bell above the door chimed.

"Good morning! Welcome to Royals Café! Where the coffee's hot and the tea's hotter. I will be with you as soon as I finish this table." I greeted as I picked up the empty mugs that had been left on the table and walked back behind the counter.

"Alright. What can I get for you?" I smiled as I finally looked at the customer after setting the mugs in the sink.

My smile faltered as the faces of Andrew Woolks and Rain-Elise Serpine filled my vision.

"You aren't allowed to be here. You both have been banned. I am going to have to ask you to leave." I said as I tried my best to fake my confidence.

"We looked over the law that bans you from receiving care in any hospital in Nockfell and we found something." Rain-Elise said with venom dripping from her tone.

"Turns out it is completely legal to kill you. According to that law." Andrew stated with the same hatred in his tone.

I took a small step back and subtly pressed the panic button that Natan had helped Ms. Lockness, the owner of the cafe, install under the counter. It sent an alert to the police when pressed. Hopefully they'd be here soon.

"You are coming with us. We don't want to get blood all over such a cute cafe." Rain-Elise spoke again.

"I am not going anywhere." I spoke, I just hoped my voice didn't give away my pure fear.

That's when Andrew lunged over the counter to try and grab me. I jumped back and slipped on the floor that I had just mopped and hit my head, knocking myself out...

I don't think I'm ever going to love Wednesdays again.

*Evil laughs* What will happen to poor Sepher?

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