chapter 30 poison

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Ved was about to entered in bathroom, but Aadduu hugged him from behind .. ved felt electric  sensation... he grunt

ved gulped and said : "Aadduu, don't..  you know we can' don't need to.. even I really wanted to ... but ... you... I don't want to hurt you..  please be good."

Aadduu : I... don't you love me... don't you wanted to marry me... then now I'm agree ... so why are you hesitating... let's be husband and wife... ( blushed)

Ved turned and looked at her ..he  licked her lips, for which Aadduu began getting goosebumps all over.... His body started reacting as he began grinding his body to her lower part.

Ved : Aadduu  looked at me... there is no turning  back... you know our family's  rules...we can't leave eachother... after this... and we need to stay loyal to eachother still last breath..

Aadduu nodded ... she know... in their family.. they need to have only one life partner  ... and she agree with him thinking about everything...

she also thinking  that if she wait for him to come and proposed marriage  to her... it's may take another 50 years... so let it be... she will talked her parents about it.. let them arrange  her marriage  with him..

Ved picked her up...placed her on bed bent down and skillfully unbuttoned her shirt. Afterwards, he rubbed her body.. and whispered in her left ear,

" Aadduu  you are so soft"

his hands subconsciously went behind her and groped her. He felt her supple skin.

He kissed her passionately and grinded her at the same time. They growled in unison.

he unbuckled her belt and pulled off the zipper. Then he pulled her pant of..throw  it they played with their tongues.

When Aadduu noticed that, she bit his lower lip wanted to cover her body her hands..

He spread her legs and positioned himself in the middle. His fingers worked at her moist spot, making some wet sounds. His mouth was eating her large bunnies

Aadduu screamed loudly and scratches his back.... everything's  new for her... she know something but it's first time to face it... and his hands..are making her stupid

"Do you feel that Aadduu?" Ved grunted.

Their bodies writhed together.

"I don't think i can handle it, Aadduu." His mouth was licking her honey away.

Aadduu came fast... her first time. Her chest heaved up and down. she felt pleasure but her body is numb

ved : Aadduu  you are ready for me now... I'm going to ... entered... just bear ok....

Both moaned as ved gripped her waist and pushed in her at the same time. Aadduu's body moved up and down with her incredible strength. She was in the most pleasurable state with so much pain...

Her mouth was open wide and her moans were loud. With every pump, her breasts bounced.

ved couldn't take his eyes off of her beautiful face. She showed her innermost expression right now and he adored it a lot.

Soon, they came undone, however, they didn't stop there. ved changed their positions and he now entered from her rear.

"Ahh. ved... hmm……. oohh…...." Aadduu's screams echoed the room.

Ved got addicted to her voice and even though he was in control, her voice guided him what to do next.

As if it wasn't enough, they went to the bathroom and couldn't stop pumping even after the water turned cold in the bathtub. Both of them couldn't stop as they couldn't get enough of each other.

YOU BORN FOR ME MY WIFE (PART-2)Where stories live. Discover now