chapter 12 won the money

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In this regard,
Sia very much agrees with the coach's opinion,
"Yes, you can summarize your experience once you lose."

Although you still lose after summing up your experience.

The coach remembered that it seemed that Sia was the champion last time, and this time she was the champion again. The starting point was very high. It was a particularly happy thing because she was afraid of her gains and losses. Now she becomes a little worried.

After all, genius It’s not like one or two examples of getting stuck because of a mistake. Just like this time, the girl who fought against sia is equally good. She can be said to be on par with sia, Obviously, that other girl was in a hurry, and her mentality collapsed, so it caused mistakes again and again, so the coach asked tentatively,

"Sia is there any incident or match or game you lost in the past?"

Sia raised her head, looked at the coach, and said,
"In the past, I lost every day."

The coach still remembered. After all, the girl picked it up by herself. At that time, she had shown a very high talent after learning the ball for so long. Later, after arriving at the sports school, she played with Tia but she never lost ... so Coach Rahane was confused  now...

Sia explained sadly to the coach,
"I taught my Friend to play tic-tac-toe. Since he understood the rules of the game in the first game, I haven't won it, and I still lose. My Friend counted it specifically. , I lost a total of 3552 sets and won one time. At that time, my Fraind was too sleepy and that's why I accidentally won the game" ( sad voice )
( but suddenly happy again)
"Coach, I actually won! And, there is money... my own money... my first earning .. ta... Da..."

Coach: "..."

originally thought that the other party's gains and losses were important, and they valued the results. After a long time, they lost too hard elsewhere and finally won a game, so happy to be like this, oh, yes, happy to be In this way, there is money credit.

The coach remembered another question and asked her,

"Sia, if someone asks why you are so happy, how would you answer?"

Coach Rahane cross  her fingers...
Don't say it because you won the money ...don't ..don't...

"I won!" sia  said rightfully, won, isn't it a happy thing?

coach : "anything else?"

"There is still money .. !" sia  told the truth

Coach: "..."

actually guessed this answer.

Coach : "In the future, you won the championship. If someone asks, don't said that.... like you are happy because of money ok...."

To her, don't ask too much, according to the joy that the child can't hide. Afterwards, if she really won the championship, she must be like this, Coach Rahane can Imagine what the scene is like..

(The reporter interviewed asked, why are you so happy?
This honest child must answer, because after I  won... I got money )

The coach took another look, but the kid was so happy.

Then he remembered that when she first saw this kid, at that time, she was younger. After winning the junior badminton championship, she laughed like a flower on the stage. The champion of other groups was very serious, and she stepped down steadily. Yes, she jumped and jumped on the platform...(like cute girl )

Well, she had to be thankful that when sia stepped down this time, although she walked a little faster and was a little more excited, she didn’t jump and jump anyway, which was a lot of maturity.

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