chapter 11 Sport academy

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Sport Teacher  beside was amused... by sia

Coach Rahane explained patiently.

"Yes, I want to ask you, do you want to change schools, come to our sport (badminton) school, you can learn to play badminton. Do you like to play badminton?"

Sia didn’t understand much ..... For example, she studied well in this school. Why should she change schools?

But she understood the latter sentence, "I like to play badminton"

Coach Rahane : "Then I will discuss with your parents again."
(The child likes it, and the parents can say yes)
Actually, she was still a little hesitant, after all, this little girl is 6 years old .... look so soft..

However, she found that this girl is really suitable for playing badminton. She is very pure and has no extra thoughts. Moreover, if she only learned play badminton  in only three months, it can be said to be very talented..... in future  if she get proper training and coaching....

This talent is sometimes very important.
After hearing the advice of the other party, sia still frowned, and  Sport Teacher told her how many people wanted to go sports school and how many champions they had. ....

Sia was still hesitant,
"If i join  sports school ....then I need to leave my parents and sister and stay there in your school , ?"

Sport teacher asked Sia's  parents to come school  to discuss  about Sia

Swati reached the school....after her shubham directly come from office... and they walked in to meet Sport teacher in principal's  office....

Coach Rahane emphasized that it was living in the school dormitory, and

Swati was even more uneasy. How big her sia is just in 1st std ... how could  she send her away...even they live in one city... but still ... how could they send her there....

Finally, the life at home is better. She thinks, as it is now, their daughters joind the school... sia in 1st std ..urmi in UKG and twins  davi and Shruti in LKG ... they even choose only girls school for them... but now ...

Both Coach  Rahane and  sport Teacher  were speechless.

Coach Rahane :  " your daughter is very talented in badminton and she likes it herself. You can think about it again."


After dinner,

sia took a badminton racket and went to the garden with her sistets to play badminton together.

Swati remembered that sia really likes playing badminton.

Shubham : "What's wrong with this," .. what if one day our sia became  champion in the future ...

swati : That's hard work. our sia is so soft and soft.... if she go there who know they pressed  her to practice  hard... day and night.... I don't wanted to let my daughters suffer....

shubham : "The teacher said that our sia is talented... don't every Dimond  need to Baer the shots to look more beautiful  and shine even brightly.... so like this maybe our sia may shine one day just like Dimond....and make us proud....let's give it shot... if she can't... then it will be OK.... we can train  our daughters in our business...

swati  (nodded) :  “If she really have talent, then let her  try it.... even she can't win... but let her enjoy her life the way she want...
Otherwise, it would be a pity to grow up later.... and regret  it ...
.          but The soprt school is so far .... we can't even see her regularly... they have strict  rules

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