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We are all one fucked up family

kyou: i made a huge mistake

yosa: ?

kyou: dazai-san offered that he'd cook noodles for lunch and i agreed

chuu: oh shit 

zai: they weren't that bad!

kyou: not that bad??

sushi: i smelt it from our dorm 🤮🤮🤮

chuu: kyouka would you like something better to eat?

kyou: boiled tofu please

ran: dazai why'd you step into the kitchen and try to make noodles?

zai: hey atleast i didnt dump anything and everything in it or burn it this time

yosa: yeah last time's attempt at noodles was... traumatizing

chuu: lunch is being served at the nakahara household if anyone wants to join

sushi: YES

aku: I'm already there.

zai: breaking in in a min

chuu: dont you dare break my window again

zai: dw babe i wont

ran: did i hear food?

kyou: cnat tpye ist too gdoo

sushi: saem rf

yosa: thats a whole diff language 

yosa: but fr dis shit good asf

ran: save some for me!



doskunisbae: im craving home made food

anemicgenius: craving? what are you, pregnant?

lordofall: what is home

gayforfukuzawa: why, young child, home is where all your-

lordofall: Insolent fool, I'm older than you

child: didnt we remove him/

doskunisbae: ye

anemicgenius: oh for gods sake-

anemicgenius removed gayforfukuzawa

doskunisbae: ahh so hot~

child: wtf

lordofall: you have very questionable tastes

anemicgenius: ^^


short and uninspired 

cause im working on another one of my books hehe

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