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sushiroll: okay so i had a theory

sushiroll: what if we're all just someone's dream?

aku: why would someone dream of us with such intricate detail

sushiroll: stfu and listen

sushiroll: what if we're all just characters in a dream and like, we dont exist

deadinside: i love that idea

chibichan: dont talk abt this

yourmom: yeah i think im very real thanks

bestdetective: come up with things that dont exist atsushi-kun

sushiroll: i know this is already a theory

aku: then dont tell people you dumbfuck

ari: dont steal my words

aku: stfu

lemao: my turn

lemao: if tomato is a fruit, is ketchup a smoothie?

yourmom: i think so

chibichan: obviously not cause ketchup has like flavoring and stuff

yourmom: and smoothies dont?


lemao: honey is just bees throwing up

morislander: and i liked honey before this

swag: im never having pancakes with honey again


lemao: when u count from one to two youre skipping infinite nums in between


lemao: you cant stand backward on stairs

deadinside: im going to go moonwalk on the stairs

chibichan: you'll hit your head im coming with you

lemao: even tho suicide is illegal u can only be charged for attempted suicide

deadinside: i will start a court case over this

fyo: ill join you

niko: whattt

lemao: in order to fall asleep we have to pretend to be asleep

sushiroll: this makes me wanna be an insomaniac

demonsnow: its 2 am please sleep

aku: and he said he WANTS to be an insomaniac?


ye double update!!


*yeets chapter onto your face to piss you off*

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