BSD react to Chuuya scenarios

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Ari: We're back here again

Dazai: why?? 

Ari: Because I'm bored and I want to make y'all cry.

Ari: Get tissues and the couches are ready. 

Yosano: So who are we gonna watch today?

Ari: Chuuya

Chuuya: Why me

Ari: Because I'm a mean person who wants to make you cry. 


Ari: Anyways 

Ari: let's start: 

A small figure comes into view. It's curled at the corner of the room, tears flowing out it's eyes. The looming figure above it is dressed in a white coat, a syringe in it's hand. "It wont hurt at all." the white figure booms, frightening the child even more. "Please don't" the child begs, shielding itself with it's arms. "Do not resist. It will make it hurt even more. And you know the punishment for disobeying rules, don't you?" the white figure threatens. The child whimpers and cries out in pain as the white figure grabs his arm, yanks him and injects the syringe's contents in the child's neck. The child screams, a mop of ginger hair coming in view as he goes limp in the white figure's arms. "You're a simple experiment, not a real person." the figure hisses in the child's ear as his eyes drift shut.

Chuuya: I don't remember this

Ari: Your memories were wiped.

Chuuya: Oh... 

Yosano: What the hell is going on? Why are they hurting that child?

Ari: I don't know. But you heard their last sentence didn't you?

Yosano: Yes.... 

Ari: Exactly. Should we move on?

Everyone: okay 

Chuuya comes into view, sitting on a tombstone. He's staring out at the sea. "I guess I was never human huh?" he whispers. "Why didn't you tell me that?" he says and taps the grave, as if waiting for an answer. "I'm a stupid experiment and you didn't tell me that. I had a family, didn't I? Not from before the lab, but in the Mafia. Verlaine killed them all...." he says, voice breaking and a lone tear slipping down his cheek. "I have to go. See you again next month, Rimbaud." he says and hops off the grave and walks away. 

Dazai: So that was Rimbaud's grave?

Chuuya: Yeah.

Dazai: Where that backstabbing bastard from the Sheep stabbed you

Chuuya: Correct

Dazai: ............... What were you even doing at Rimbaud's grave?

Chuuya: saying hi to his soul

Dazai: Why though?

Chuuya: I dont even know myself

Kouyou: Did i just hear chuuya saying he isn't human?

Chuuya: oh 

Ari: Correct. Chuuya here is an artificial ability experiment; made up of 2383 lines of code. He doesn't remember majority of his childhood, and his memories begin from when he was 7, as far as I remember.

Kouyou: Oh.

Chuuya: You didn't need to tell her.

Ari: I know. 

Chuuya is now older, most likely 18. He's staring at Dazai with a blank face. "So you're telling me that you're going to leave the Mafia because it's your only friend's last wish that you should be good." he states. Dazai nods, not a single change in his expression. "And you can't contact me for about 2 years until your record is clean." "Sounds about right" Dazai replies. The redhead blinks at him, until a single tear forms in his eyes. "Goodbye Dazai." he whispers and turns away from the brunette, who looks visibly hurt. "You're a traitor to the Mafia. I cannot keep contact with you. My loyalty is to you, but more so to the Mafia. I can't betray my second family. I'm sorry." he tells the brunette. Dazai says nothing, and simply slips out through Chuuya's window. A few seconds later, Chuuya's face is streaked with tears. "I lied to you. I love you. Always have. I can't bear the thought of you leaving me. So i lied. I hope to see you again, Osamu." he whispers to the night sky. 

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