BSD doing chaotic shit

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Au: Theres a party at dazai's house


"Wow dazai-san your house is huge" atsushi commented as he entered dazais mansion-

no it wasnt a mansion more like a decent sized apartment but we all know atsushi so he said mansion

"Thank you atsushi-kun! i got it cheap too!" dazai replied, ready to shock atsushi to death. "Oh really? how much was it for?" the unsuspecting sushiroll asks. 

"70 million only" 

"DID YOU JUST SAY ONLY?????" atsushi proceeded to collapse, bang his head on the floor, cry and pray to the gods to forgive him for his tantrum. not nescesarily in that order

"Anyways yosanos already drunk, somehow kunikida made it inside and hes being a killjoy, ranpo has raided the fridge, chuuya's also drunk, tachihara, gin and higuchi are blasting one direction songs and kouyou-nii  and mori-san and fukuzawa-san (IS THAT WHAT HE CALLS HIM??) are discussing who knows what" dazai says. "SO IM LATE?? GOD FORGIVE ME FOR THIS SIN!!" atsushi screams.

"Since when did you start doing that?" Dazai asks. "Oh, cross universe information sharing" "o-oo-kay???" "is auktagawa not here?" "he is but hes standing in a corner doing who knows what"

Dazai then leans down and dramatically stage whispers, "I'm going to make him drunk and-"

"you cant" atsushi cuts him off. "ryu's alcohol tolerance level is higher than mine dazai-san." dazai stares at sushi for a minute, then saunters off into the room. atsushi follows

"ATSUSHI!! COME SING WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL WITH ME!!!" higuchi screams. shes likely very drunk. atsushi notices yosano and chuuya having a conversation, looking not drunk at all. maybe dazai was lying to him, as usual. then dazai, being the dramatic dumbass he is, climbs on top of HIS OWN table, and screams "Oi people!" 

But he's very rudely interupted by chuuya screeching "GET OFF OF MY TABLE DAZAI!!" which startled Atsushi, because 1. he was very loud and 2. dazai said this was HIS house. Which was another lie. Chuuya then proceeded to stumble all the way to said table (oh he was drunk after all) and shove it hard enough to make dazai fall. "OWWW CHIBI THAT HURT!!" Dazai yells as he lands on the hard non-carpeted floor. 

"Let's play smash or pass guys." yosano suggests. She's also drunk. Very clearly, from her slightly slurred voice and unstable legs. Almost the whole room nods in agreement, as Atsushi and Auktagawa glance at eachother, sharing their exasperation about drunk adults and rolling their eyes very dramatically. 

"Okay so chuu-chan: smash or pass, maki from jujutsu kaisen" yosano says. "dont call me chuu-chan. and we're starting with fictional characters??" "yes" "Smash. DUH" 

"chuuya is cheating????" dazai gasps dramatically and clutches his chest. Chuuya hits him on the head. "Baka!! don't lie, you'd smash her too." "..........fair." "i mean, it's maki dude who wouldn't!" tachihara  chimes in. The rest of the room stares at him for a second, and he moves on without skipping a beat. "Okay, Gin. Smash or pass, chuuya-san." 

"Why?? he's literally my brother. " gin whines while chuuya laughs in the corner. "ignore all relations to people." tachihara replies. "okay. i- smash" 

"am i really that hot?" "YES" the room choruses. 

"Okay, atsushi!  S or P: ryu!" gin excitedly says. Rashoumon suddenly wraps around atsushi's mouth. "Don't answer that one." Auktagawa threatens. "Aww onii-chan, are you scared he likes you~~?" Gin teases. Ryu rolls his eyes but if you look with a microscope, you'd see the faint blush on his cheeks. Atsushi inhaled loudly as Rashoumon released him. "Gin!! Don't ever ask me that again." he whines. "Why, because you're afraid you'll say smash??" she asks.  "No, because your brother will kill me!" he complains loudly as Dazai, Yosano, Chuuya and Ranpo snicker in the back, plotting who knows what. "Lets play truth or dare." Tanizaki announces. No one objects, and they continue with the randomest shit ever possible. 

For example: someone dared dazai to strip, to which he objected (it was chuuya who made him, twisting his arm behind his back). So instead, they made him wear a maid dress. He complained and whined the whole time, while Chuuya and Yosano literally laughed their guts out. ("I HAVE PHOTOS!!" Ranpo screeches) 

Somehow, Atsushi ended up twerking in the middle of the room, Yosano sat on a literal board pin, Auktagawa drank a whole frickin bottle of wine, Ranpo called Poe, pretending to be a scam caller and died as Poe replied with "Welcome to Pete's pizzeria and abortion clinic, where yesterday's loss is today's sauce! how can i help you?". Tanizaki attempted (and failed) pole dancing, Yosano was made to dance to a random tune and Chuuya sung "Good 4 u" 

All in all a very fun evening 


Wow this is actually longer than my recent chapters

I apologise for not posting bc i have a LOT of things going on rn so im unable to maintain a schedule.

Also guys pls go check out my other story. It's a schizophrenic Dazai au so pls pls pls.... 

Thats it.

Thanks for the reads and the votes (and the followers), love you guys!

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