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Ari added BSD!

Ari added JJK! 


itadorito: wut?

queennobara: ITADORI! 

itadorito: oh shit.

corruptedginger: what?

LMSB: the heck?

sushiroll: new people?

thewindissmiling: Ari explain


BSD: so.... they kill curses with 'jujutsu'

ari: Basically

JJK: and those people have abilities

ari: yes

BSD/JJK: wtf 

ari: hehe

ari: now, JJK, begin with your introductions please!

itadorito: Itadori Yuuji, first year at Jujutsu Tech, swallowed a cursed finger known as Sukuna and  now I have a thousand year old curse living in me. 

queennobara: sukuna's mouth popped up on his cheek while we were eating noodles and forced itadori to feed him noodles lmao

itadorito: shh dont tell them that 

queennobara: anyways, Kugisaki Nobara, first year at Jujutsu Tech, I like nails and hammers. 

fishigiro: Fushigiro Megumi, first year at Jujutsu Tech, Itadori's curse is obsessed with me. 

gojoisthebest: Gojou Satoru, best jujutsu sorcerer out there. I hate the higher ups and my dream is to cause a revolution to remove them all.

coololdersister: Maki Zen'in, second year at Jujutsu Tech, I'm a badass girl.

queennobara: slayy bestie 

coololdersister: yass girl

panda: I'm Panda, second year at jujutsu tech, im a literal panda.

atsushi: :O i can turn into a tiger!

ari: save it for later sushi!

riceball: bonito flakes. 

kyouka: tofu with bonito flakes. 

riceball: kelp! 

kyouka: tuna

riceball: rice. 

ari: WHAT- 

coololdersister: shh, they're communicating. 

ari: okey.

coololdersister: anyways, this is Inumaki Toge, he speaks in rice ball ingredients, and he can command people to do things if he speaks normally, but it always takes a toll on him depending on the strenght of the words. 

ari: Now, bsd, begin your introductions! 

corruptedginger: Chuuya Nakahara, Port Mafia executive, sorta the dad of the mafia members, i like cats and poetry. and i'm married to an idiot. im also ari's fav

LMSB: Osamu Dazai, ada member, the hottest person in the world and most trusted member of the agency! 

sushiroll: no one really trusts you that much dazai san

gojoisthebest: and im the hottest :( 

LMSB: do you have good hair, beautiful eyes, a great fashion sense, an ego and an attitude? 

fishigiro: he's all of that, and annoying, full of himself and horribly disrespectful

gojoisthebest: rude megumi-chan 

fishigiro: if you call me megumi-chan again I sWeAR TO GOD I WILL-

itadorito: sukuna says "calm down darling" 

fishigiro: GAH 


bsd: why?


gojoisthebest: oh nanamiiii add him!

kunikida: what's he like

gojoisthebest: nanami's this neat and organised person with way-too-high standards and an obsession with schedules, literally no one likes him.

kunikida: then he and I will be best friends!

LMSB: is he blonde?

gojoisthebest: YES 

LMSB: then we can annoy the hell out of the two perfectionists. 

gojoisthebest: ooh lets start planning. 

Ari added 2 new contacts! 

nanami: What is this 

gojoisthebest: naaa-na-miiii!!! 

LMSB: new person to murder! 

nanami: who tf? 

humancurse: ayyo what have i landed in


niko: new personn hii 

(explains the newcomers) 

ari: anyways bsd was doing introductions but i'll do it for you instead cause i want to speed this up. 


Everyone split into groups: 

Group 1 - Itadori, Megumi, Atsushi, Kyouka.

Group 2 - Gojo, Dazai, Nikolai, Mahito, Fyodor

Group 3 - Maki, Nobara, Kouyou, Yosano. 

Group 4 - Nanami, Kunikida (cause aint no one else gonna hang out with them)


This ends here im sorry, i have 0 inspiration and nothing helps anymore. 

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