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I forgot naomi's username so im changing it from whatever it was to tanizaki2

You fuckers get another chapter because i love you guys

ari: imagine...... dazai on a billboard in a shampoo ad

lemao: IT WAS A MEME

ari: yeah


swag: fourth wall minor breach


deadinside: my hair is amazing

aku: I beg to differ. Chuuya-san's is much better

lemao: too much grammar boss

aku: get lost.

sushiroll: have yall even seen aku's hair??

deadinside: he looks like a fucking oreo

aku: shut the fuck up, your hair looks like you havent combed it in fucking years

deadinside: ayy bitch i gel it every day

aku: you dont comb it

aku: have you seen chuuya-san's hair care routine? he washes it once or twice a week, does a whole bunch of other shit that i dont care enough about and combs it. 

deadinside: you know you're talking about MY husband right?

aku: you know you're talking about MY  senior and the whole fucking mafia's older brother figure right?

sushiroll: as well my sorta father figure

deadinside: atsushi-kun, am i not your father figure?

sushiroll: no youre the older sibling who acts younger most of the time and occasionally tries to dispense "useful" advice like a grandparent

yourmom: kunikida is more of the grandparent

sushiroll: he's annoying, thats what he is

bestdetective: woah huge turn of opinion right there

sushiroll: not really tbh

yourmom: atsushi you're one of us now

demonsnow: all this while you didnt think kunikida-san was annoying?

sushiroll: it occured to me about a week ago

demonsnow: i cant tell if youre just stupid or such a simp for the whole agency that you didnt realise

yourmom: wOAh

bestdetective: gawd dayum 

deadinside: ooooo

sushiroll: kyouka what

demonsnow: seriously, how'd you not realise that??

lightsnow: i think our kyouka is becoming a teenager 

tunamayoandbeef: kyouka i didnt know you thought that of kunikida-san!

demonsnow: kenji-kun-

tunamayoandbeef: it's fine! i guess you're just growing up to be different!

tanizaki2:woah close call for our doll right there


ends that conversation here due to pure uninspiredness

but new convo for yall 


The DOA members! Usernames: 

child - Aya

lordofall - Bram

gayforfukuzawa - the creeky ass (we know this bitch)

anemicgenius - Fyodor

doskunisbae - Nikolai (AHGKJASGHJKDHS)

I know that 2 of them are dead but lets ignore that!

doskunisbae - how long does it take for an huge iron rod to rust

gayforfukuzawa - i think fyodor would end up eating that rod before it rusts

anemicgenius - im not stupid you brainless fuck

lordofall - language

child- why do you wanna know anyways

doskunisbae - i was hanging upside down and i just thought of this

anemicgenius - where were you hanging

doskunisbae - a bridge

lordofall - i understood that reference now

gayforfukuzawa - i still dont get it

anemicgenius - then shut the fuck up 

child - someone's snarky today

anemicgenius: you too brat

child: no

anemicgenius: dont make me find you

child: you wouldnt dare

anemicgenius: you're right

doskunisbae: wha-?

lorofall: aya and fyodor-kun spent some time......... bonding

child: more like he was supposed to babysit me and i annoyed the shit out of him

gayforfukuzawa: thats an interesting situation

anemicgenius: thats it you're out of this chat

anemicgenius removed gayforfukuzawa 

lordofall - thank goodness

child - he creeped me out 


lordofall/child/anemicgenius: WTF


BSD React/ChatficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora