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Yall we're changing usernames again

Dazai - deadinside

Chuuya: chibichan

Kenji: tunamayoandbeef (what did i write :sob:)

Yosano: yourmom


Kouyou: mothermafia

Mori: elisechan


Tachihara: lemao

(omg i dont remember the groupchat name)

kunikida: what's up with dazai again

lightsnow: oh give him a break kunikida-san

harunosfav: you have no idea what happened.

sushiroll: yeah give him a break!

demonsnow: what even happened?

yourmom: you really don wanna knwo kiddo

deadinside: i can give an elaborate explaination of what i did last night.

kunikida: a brief one should be fine.

deadinside: okay so it started with an angry chuuya who got his hands on a pair of handcuffs, blindfolds and vibrators-

kunikida: nevermind.

yourmom: LMAO WHAT

tunamayoandbeef: whats a vibrator???

sushiroll: *dies of heart attack*

demonsnow: i know what it is.

tunamayoandbeef: can you tell me please kyouka-chan?

bestdetective: kenji-kun, a vibrator is-

lightsnow: SHUSH.

tunamayoandbeef: but i really want to know! someone please tell me.

demosnow: kenji its basically something that vibrates 

tunamayoandbeef: oh! but where would you use something like that?

deadinside: you shove it up-

kunikida: SHUT UP


tunamayoandbeef: you were saying something dazai-san?

kunikida: no he wasn't.

tunamayoandbeef: but where would you use a vibrator kunikida-san?

kunikida: you'll learn as you grow up.

tunamayoandbeef: is it a city thing?

bestdetective: yes it is kenji-kun.

tunamayoandbeef: okay then!

lemonbombs: you didnt tell him?

yourmom: kenji is an innocent child, we cannot ruin him.

mothermafia: i remember the day tachihara and chuuya ganged up to ruin poor higuchi

chibichan: hell yes i loved that day

lemao: best day of my life

chibichan: fr fr

oof: well i certainly did not need to know what bdsm and "having a thing for feet" meant

tunamayoandbeef: what does all that mean

sushiroll: nOOO


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