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nikolaiii: nicknames you have for your partner. go 

dazaiii: mon petite mafia, shorty, chibi, chibikko, chibikko mafia, slug, smaller half of double black, wine addict, hat addict, hatrack, shortass, chuu, chuu-chuu and many more that i dont remember 

gingervodkawithale: waste of bandages, asshole, bastard, bandage wasting machine, shitty dazai, mackerel, stupid half of double black, tacky bastard, social misfit, damn dazai, bandage addict. 

sushiroll: :O chuuya-san's list is literally more insults than nicknames 

sushiroll: but anyways, emo boy, oreo. 

aku: jinko, shortass, stupid haired idiot.

chainsaw: tea addict, fancy lady, beautiful, love. 

themother: yosa, butterfly, darling. 

morislander: i think your relationship is probably the healthiest. 

sherlock: no, that's me and poe. we don't really have nicknames for eachother but i just call him darling occasionally. 

dazaiii: tru, rampo's is the healthiest relationship. 

sherlock: we're just the most compatible. 

swag: i wish my idiot of a brother would let me date someone. 

aku: it's for your own safety gin... 

sushiroll: honestly aku, let the poor girl get out once in a while. 

aku: what if someone hurts her emotionally or physically?? what will she do then? 

swag: i can defend myself you know 

aku: gin is simply fragile to me and i cant let anyone hurt her. 

sushiroll: look, whether you like it or not, gin's grown up, she can make her own decisions and defend herself, so let her do what she wants!! 

aku: I- 

swag: yay atsushi! 

sushiroll: :D 

sherlock: ... we have a crisis 

dazaiii: what 


dazaiii: ecks-dee 

sherlock: did u even read that??

cowsmoo: all i said was "just ate a beef bowl for lunch! XD"  and rampo-kun freaked out... i dont know what's wrong with saying XD? 

sherlock: kenji, sweetie.... don't say XD out loud ever again please..... 

dazaiii: LMAO RAMPO

chainsaw: lmao 

ELISEFAN: the agency is weird 

thewindissmiling: no weirder than the mafia

ELISEFAN: y'all call fydor the anemia man, are you crazy??

fydorrr: im insulted. 

sherlock: whats wrong with calling the anemia man the anemia man 

ELISEFAN: ... everything 

fydorrr: dazai you allow them to slander me? 

dazaiii: yes you rat. 

fydorrr: hmph. 

nikolaiii: he'll be moody the rest of the day and throw a tantrum 

dazaiii: fydor throws tantrums??

gingervodkawithale: hopefully more bearable than yours 

dazaiii: i dont do tantrums

gingervodkawithale: really?? i seem to remember you had a mental breakdown then and there over fucking cookies. 

dazaiii: we dont talk abt that ssshhhh 


chainsaw: DAZAI WTF LMFAO 

dazaiii: im out 


Im dying over the shit i write... 

Can someone please suggest some good Soukoku or BSD fanfictions? I'm running out and need some to keep my sanity intact. 

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