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We are all one crazy family

zai: why 

chuu: what


sushi: where

yosa: how

ran: when did this become an english lesson

sushi: kunikida-san tried to sit us in an english class

yosa: and taught us how to write the alphabet and stuff

chuu: while he's a math teacher

aku: i feel for yall

yosa: you were there too

aku: who said i was paying attention?

zai: you answered all his questions tho

aku: i did?

sushi: you did

chuu: i feel like they're playing a prank on us

aku: why 

sushi: not.

ran: i lost track of this convo

ran: what tf are yall on abt

yosa: idfk im trying to learn the fucking alphabets

sushi: its annoying

aku: it's actually pretty easy, if you had common sense

chuu: rude

zai: *clutches heart in pain*

aku: rolls eyes dramatically

yosa: oh shit up you eyebrowless fucker

aku: what did you say to me, you dumb bitch?

aku: you can't even learn your fucking abcs 

sushi: lanuagee~~

ran: shes not wrong

zai: think we can buy eyebrows of the black market

chuu: or just take someone elses

zai: that works too

ran: atsushi give ur eyebrows to the poor emo child


sushi: i love my eyebrows that you very much.

ran: welp-

yosa: lets all go shopping

sushi: can we put fake eyelashes on me?

zai: why not

sushi: great. lets go

aku: can i have my phone back aku

sushi: sure

chuu/zai/yosa/ran: SAY WHAT-


Yay I updated, i'm proud of myself!! 

BSD React/ChatficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora