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Alright, welcome to this wierdo author's first chatfic! 

Honestly, thank you so much for bothering to read this crap. 

Alright imma list out the usernames now: 

Armed Detective Agency: 

suicidalmaniac - Dazai 

kittykat - Atsushi 

kunikida - Kunikida 

mrpresident - Fukuzawa 

cityfolkareamazing - Kenji

theinnocentone - Kyouka 

drwineaunt - Yosano 

sherlock - Ranpo 

naomileavemealone - Tanizaki 

loveubrother - Naomi 

Port Mafia : 

gingergod - Chuuya 

theleader - Mori 

morihater - Elise 

simpfortheauktagawas  - Higuchi

swag - Gin 

themother - Kouyou

rashoumonsupremacy - Auktagawa

bandagenose - Tachihara

Decay Of Angels : 

therussian - Fydor 

mentalclown - Nikolai 

casinocookies - Sigma 


writer - Poe 

TWS: mentions of suicide, cursing. 

Alright enjoy the fic people, comments are appreciated!

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