Chapter- 60 Dawn's Embrace

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As she continued to purge the compound of Chisaki's corruption, Fae looked over her shoulder calmly as the rooftop door was kicked open. 

Paynte wadded through the sea of dense gold power. His red hair was accentuated with the rivers of crimson running from his eyes and ears. "Please! Please! Make it stop!!!"

Fae simply watched as the tortured soul tried to make his way closer to her, yet he collapsed to his knees some few feet away. 

"Please!! Make the pain stop! I'm sorry. Please," he yanked at his red hair and screamed, "Just kill me already!!"

A drop of anguish pooled in Fae's heart at seeing his tortured state. Thus she delicately walked toward the sobbing soul. Through his blood-filled eyes, Paynte looked up at what he could only believe to be truly an angel. Fae's head blocked out the sun, its rays of warmth created a benevolent halo around her beautiful tenderly smiling face. With charitiably gentle hands, she thumbed away Paynte's bloody tears. "I see you have not been completely corrupted yet. I wonder why that is?"

Payne Thorpe was in no state to answer logically, for all he could think was, "I always knew you were my true muse. Are you here to lead me to heaven?"

"Heaven?" Fae snorted in benignity. "I'm sorry, but I likely will not be going there either. However, I am not the one to dictate where you shall go, and certainly not on this day."

"But," Payne clung to her hands and pressed them more fully against his face, "you're an angel, aren't you?"

"No, I am merely someone who is foolish and lucky enough to fall in love." Fae closed her eyes for a brief second, and she saw the truth within the darkness of her lids. "Ahhh, I see. You may be a warped man who finds pleasure in other's pain, but you were not always as you are now." Omnipotent memories of Rin corrupting Payne's unknowing soul with dustings of unprocessed profit in his food throughout the past months fluttered through her mind's eye. "I am sorry for the anguish you have felt, but you should not have to pay the price for acts you were forced to commit due to the crimes of another."

Paynte didn't understand the words. All he could feel was Fae's clement lips pressing into his forehead. The feeling of tranquility that spread throughout his humble body caused his breath to catch as she reabsorbed the profit from his veins, thus removing the corruption lingering in his soul caused by her quirk. 

As her lips parted from his skin, Payne's tears ran clear with nothing but serene bliss. "Thank you, thank you, my muse! My beautiful muse! Thank you."

He clutched onto her bare Midas gold thighs and cried himself past the point of exhaustion. 

As he slumped to the ground, slow clapping came from the last few shadows the new dawn had yet to wash away. 

Fae looked over her shoulder. "Rin Hiryu."

Rin stood proudly within the sea of golden power. The thick plumes were wrapped around every inch of his body, yet in defiance of its toxic cleansing power, he boldly inhaled two lungfuls of its substance before breathing it out freely. "What a lovely aroma you make, Miss Fate~," he taunted knowingly. 

Fae let the sinner at her feet rest as she stepped protectively in front of his unconscious form. At her change in position, Rin's insanity-clouded golden eyes creased with laughter. "My my, aren't you the compassionate goddess! No wonder he was so obsessed with you."

"Whilst he will have various sins to answer for one day, his choice to delve into the forbidden pools of time is not one. Yes, he inflicts pain on others, but it is consensual in nature. His perversion to that is not a crime either."

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