Chapter- 48 Traveling

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Shinso reached over Fae's shoulder, and when her bag slipped off her back, she said, "Hey! What're you doing Toast? I've got it."

The much taller man shrugged calmly. "No worries kitty, I've gotcha."

Fae momentarily paused in the hallway leading out of her apartment and watched Shinso walk away from her with his and her weekend away bags slung over his back casually. Kaminari had seen the entire interaction, so with his backpack wrapped around his front like a middle-aged man with a beer gut, he patted his material belly and chuckled, "You okay peaches?"

She looked at the blonde cute man in wonder and pointed down the hallway. "Is that normal?"

"What? For Toshi to carry our stuff?" When she nodded in awe, Kaminari laughed, "Yeah!"

Fae fell into step with Kaminari, and it felt completely natural as he reached down and interlocked their swinging arms. "I have to admit, I don't really know how to feel about Hitoshi sometimes," she admitted in a rare moment of honesty.

Kaminari hummed for her to continue.

Fae's ethereal golden eyes light up with foresight, and thanks to Denki holding her hand she was able to see the future- however that insight into time itself didn't mean Fae was fluent in the language of healthy relationships thus under her breath, she murmured, "I don't understand why he does nice stuff like that. The other night after you conked out from sex, he and I were in the kitchen together and he said something about it being his job to take care of his bottom, but what does that have to do with me? Is he helping me out because I'm with you, and he's trying to win brownie points with you?"

Kaminari peaked at the girl on his arm. He pursed his lips, and he could literally FEEL Kirishima coaching in his mind, "You don't need to share all of your thoughts, Denki. Honesty is not always the best policy! When you don't know what to say, just...ju...j-" Kaminari's shotty memory skipped over the rest of the advice just leaving him without the key piece of wisdom the empathetic redhead had given him.

Due to lacking the happily married man's advice, Kaminari laughed, "Fae, are you dumb?"

Her sassy attitude suddenly licked to life as she huffed, "Ummm, in what way?"

"All the ways?" Kaminari shrugged.

Fae shrugged back. "I guess I'm like normal smart?"

Kaminari somehow understood that abstract quantification of intelligence, so he nodded. "Then peaches, why do you not get it?"


Kaminari stopped them at the elevator, and his pregnant backpack belly touched her stomach as he placed his hands on her cheeks and smooshed them together. When she giggled questioningly, Kaminari smiled, "I don't understand why you don't understand why catdaddy takes care of you too!" Fae tried to reply, but he just squished her lips even more thus making her snorty giggle into silence. "The reason Hitoshi takes your backpack, asks about your preferences, and takes the time to figure out how you work is because he cares about you. It has absolutely nothing to do with me. In the beginning, he was completely willing to let you and I be fully separate from him and me. The fact he's trying to get to know you better is because HE likes you."

Denki blinked in genuine surprise when he watched Fae's walls practically shoot up. Those molten gold eyes that had been so soft for him seconds ago suddenly turned cold. "Peaches?"

He let go of her gently when she pulled her face away from him. "Don't say things like that Denki."

"Things like what? The truth? But Kiri always tells the truth and he never gets in trouble?" Kaminari pouted.

Fated Lovers🍋 (Shinso x OC x Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now