Chapter- 35 Electric Lover🍋

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A/N: did I plan to upload these chapters right now? No. 

Am I doing so because I'm self-conscious that this story is taking too long- maybe 😅. Either way, it's happening! 

Please enjoy some Kaminari love! 


Now that he had Hitoshi's permission to explore the option of getting closer to Fae, and a full night of mindblowing sex, Kaminari was up bright and early with excited hope in his heart. He swung by a cute local flower shower he had always adored and made his way over to Fae's home. 

His knuckles rapped on the door in a chaotic rhythm that was all Kami, but the person who opened the door wasn't the golden blonde babe he was there to see. 

Kendra frowned as soon as she saw Kaminari. "Oh. It's you."

Kaminari laughed nervously, "Yep it's me. Ummm here! I brought flowers for you and Fae."

She crossed her arms across her chest and popped out her hip disapprovingly. "Ugh huh."

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly before flickering his eyes toward the apartment. "Cannn I come in?"

"Depends on why you're here."

"I'm here to deliver these and check on Fae."

"That's great, but I already knew that. I meant WHY are you here?"

Now it was Denki's turn to frown. "I feel like I'm not understanding the question. I'm here to check up on Fae. I know she was pretty pooped, so I just want to make sure she's okay."

"Why do you care?"

"Why wouldn't I care?"

"Because you're with Brainfuck."

Kaminari blinked a few times before he was forced to whisper, "Brainfuck, is that Hitoshi?"

"No shit!" Kendra pointed at Kaminari's adorably confused face. "Listen here blondie, we appreciate your help yesterday, but unless this has to do with our joint mission with that purple fucker, there is no need for you to be involved in Fae's life." Kaminari was about to interject, but he hesitated when Kendra murmured grumpily, "She likes you Kaminari, and she gave up a really big part of her heart when she stepped aside so that you and Shittoshi could be together. I'm sorry, but I don't want you-coming to our home with flowers- to lead her on. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Kaminari's heart clenched. He knew Kendra, like most of the world, just thought he was a flirtatious ditzy goofball who enjoyed chasing tail more than he did studying or applying himself, yet he let her see the genuinely good man he was beneath all the laughter when he smiled at her and said softly, "listen, I get it. If these roles were reversed, I probably would have already hotwired your car or short-circuited your entire home if I thought you were going to hurt someone I love. I'm protective over my friends too, and I'd do anything for them. But things have changed. Hitoshi and I talked about Fae, and he's okay with me possibly going past 'just friends' with Fae."

Kendra's black brows rose in surprise before they fell right back down in annoyance. "So he gave you permission to make her your sidekick?! She deserves more than just being a piece of ass you can fuck whenever you please!"

"No no no no no!" Denki shook his head hard enough to rattle his last few brain cells together.

 "I'm not talking just sleeping with her! To be honest, I don't really want to have this conversation with you before I have it with her, but I want to date Fae-"

"-and Shitfuck?"

"-and Hitoshi, yes. I want to take her on dates, bring her flowers, go on silly adventures with her, eat tasty food- we have to go out and do that because I can't cook-, but I want her to be a part of my life. It's not just about sex. I want to be a person in her life that means something to her because to me," Denki looked down at the chaotically arranged flowers he had made just for her, "she's really special, and I like her a lot."

Fated Lovers🍋 (Shinso x OC x Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now