Chapter- 5 End Boss

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It had been 2 weeks of endless searching. The police wrote off the wall of morning glories as a coincidence. Eco warriors had scattered wildflower seeds all around the abandoned portion of the city a few years back in hopes wildlife would one day return.

Only one solid piece of proof of her existence remained- the note.

Shinso read it five hundred times a day. He had deciphered it in every way humanly possible. He'd had it translated forwards and back looking for some secondary meaning. Nothing fucking worked.

The skin shifter, Kendra, hadn't lied when she said she worked at the coffee shop. Shinso and the guys had taken shifts surveying the place. He had brainwashed every single employee to ask them about the golden blonde, yet all of their answers were choreographed exactly the same.

She'd come in at sunset, order a large black coffee with two pumps of cherry flavoring, never give them her name, and then leave within 27 minutes.

"It's all too fucking weird," Shinso murmured to himself as he flipped the note over and back for the hundredth time.

He had every intention of continuing to obsess about the woman who was evading him, yet his phone began to ring. Without looking at who it was, he picked up.


"'Sup shtupid!"

Shinso pulled his phone away to see his little sister's contact name rolling across his screen. "Eri?"

"You got sho many hoes calling you at 1 in the morning you gotta specify?"

Her slurred words were a far cry from the demure quiet little girl he remembered helping raise after his dad saved her from the Shie Hassaikai's clutches where her body was being turned into bullets.

"Are you drunk?"

Amusement pulled at his lips as the high schooler snapped, "no!"

"You sound drunk," he deadpanned.

"You know what? I don't shneed your judgment!! I am a shuccessful independent woman!"

"Okay Miss Successfully Independent, where are you at? I can come pick you up."

"Noooo, you'll tell Papa on me, and I don't want get yelled at!"

"I didn't tell him nor Dad about the time you go so high you tried to climb into the ground thinking it was your bedroom window."

Eri may have stopped breathing as her drunk brain processed his words. Shinso's smile grew until his scar crinkled in happiness when she exclaimed, "I thought we agreed to never discuss that again?! We agreed that never happened!!"

"The video on my phone disagrees."

"Oh shut up! You're such a jerk! Just come pick me up pretty pretty pretty please, I'm right outside campus, but I can't sneak back in because Dad's on guard duty tonight! Can I crash at your place?"

Shinso knew how much pressure Eri put on herself to be perfect all the time. It was a shared characteristic between the two adoptive siblings; they were their own worst critics. He knew Eri rarely cut loose like this, and she was always wonderful at keeping her location on and staying in commutation with him while she was out partying. Thus he would continue to cover for her like he always had because he truly did love the little brat.

"K, I'll be there in 20."

"Cool!! Hey Tosh, can we get cherry slushies? The one from that gas station right by your place?"

Fated Lovers🍋 (Shinso x OC x Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now