Chapter- 17 King Boo

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Shinso whipped around to glare at the door, and Denki took the distraction to wipe away the tears that were threatening to fall from his long lashes.

"It's occupied," Shinso muttered, but a high pitched surprisingly angry voice cut him off.

"I don't care!!! Open this door right freaking now Hitoshi Shinso!"

Kaminari's coping mechanism was humor, so he chuckled at Fae's barked order. Shinso glared at his ex before ripping open the door to see a very ticked-off Miss Fate standing in the doorframe with her hands on her hips.

"Go away. We're talking."

"No, you are not!"

"Yes, we are," Shinso's purple eyes raged with unspoken emotion as he looked all the way down at her furiously reddened cheeks.

"No, you aren't! Talking involves two people communicating back and forth. All you're doing is being a mean bully!"

Kaminari fiddled with his own rings nervously. He had never seen someone stand up to Shinso's perennial rage, and he hadn't expected the stubborn streak from the bubbly blonde. However, Fae Forester proved to be the perfect match for Shinso's rarely-seen anger because

she shoved her whole ass finger in his face when he opened his scarred lips to pop off at her. "Ahh ah ah! I don't want to hear it, mister!"

"Fuck off, Fae." Shinso slapped her wrist away, but she just changed hands and poked the shit out of his other cheek.

"Give me Kaminari, and I will happily leave you to stew in the bathroom with your own toxicity. But I'm not going to let you continue to verbally abuse him because you still don't know how to regulate your trauma!!"

Kaminari's adorable head tilted to the side in confusion. "Huh?"

Shinso however was furiously horrified at how Miss Fate had known his lashing out was due to his desperate fear of being abandoned by those he loved or being discarded for someone else. "What did you just say?" he asked in a flat yet dangerous tone.

Fae would let the world hurt her over and over. She had never found herself worthy to protect, yet she would always defend those she believed are good. Even though she had been in love with the dream of one day reconnecting with her childhood sweetheart, she was not going to overlook Shinso's shitty qualities just because of her prophecies.

Denki Kaminari had been nothing but sweet to her, so she dawned her golden knight armor and championed for him by standing up to Shinso and huffing, "I said you're being a BUTTHOLE to someone who did absolutely nothing wrong! You want to yell at someone?" She threw her arms around. "Yell at me. I encouraged him by playing along with his pickup lines. I am the reason he is here, so if you're pissed at someone, it should be me."

"Y-you don't need to do that for me," Denki whispered, and Fae's eyes softened when she saw the same lack of self-worth swirling around Denki's golden eyes.

"Yes, I do." She looked directly past the man she had spent the last decade and a half keeping safe from his own darkness. She smiled at Kaminari and murmured sweetly,

"Because you're worth protecting too, Denki."

Denki's chin quivered as she had just assuaged so many of his inner fears of not being worth loving, and she did it without the use of her foresight. She had made his heart skip a beat by simply being Fae.

He pulled on his big boy pants and looked up at Shinso who was still seething, yet silent. Kaminari took a deep breath and squawked, "I don't like the way you talk to me when y-you're mad!"

Fated Lovers🍋 (Shinso x OC x Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now