Chapter- 18 The Club

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Denki zipped up his jacket so as to not look like a hoochie strutting through his old campus in search of his beautiful star. Most of the UA hallways were void of any students due to it being after hours, so he wasn't thinking too much about avoiding teenagers as he made his way back toward Fae's classroom.

He knocked on the open door and chirped, "Knock knock!"

Fae's golden eyes lit up in excitement at seeing Denki smiling at her. "Hey, Kaminari!"

Now, this is the part where he was supposed to say hello, or if he had any common sense in the debonair category he could compliment her eloquently and say that she looked gorgeous. Alas, he had none of those things and thus he literally wheezed, "Holy freaking cheesus, you look bang'n!"

Fae was wearing a very short bubblegum pink skirt, knee-high white gogo boots, and a skin-tight Sylveon t-shirt that perfectly matched her fuzzy cardigan. She did the cutest little twirl for Kaminari, and her black contacted eyes creased into happy little slits. "Thank you!"

"We look like total opposites right now," he laughed as he pointed from his black leather ensemble to her cutesie one.

"Yeah but you know what they say," she tucked a strand of her golden blonde hair behind her ear and blushed, "opposites attract."

"Yeah, they sure do." Denki wandered up to her and slid his fingers tentatively across hers. He was on cloud freaking 9 when she let him weave his fingers through hers. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yup!" she giggled shyly as Denki held her hand the entire way out to the parking deck.

"M'lady!" Denki said goofily as he held open her door for her.

"Why thank you, dear sire! What a true gentleman," she replied in an equally silly formal voice.

She slid into his blacked-out yellow sports car, and once he shut her door she inhaled the citrusy scent of Denki. The clean fresh smell completely matched the energetic happy man who plopped ungraciously into his own seat.

Denki raised a brow and laughed, "Were you sniffing my car just now?"

Fae gaped at him. "How- how did you-"

"I was watching you through the windows. You're so pretty that I can't keep my eyes off of you."

When her entire face lit up in embarrassment, he mistook her shyness as finding his statement weird thus he hissed, "Oh my gosh that sounded so creepy!! I didn't mean it like that! I swear! I didn't mean I look at you like a stalker or don't respect your boundaries. I simply meant that you're super cute and in my car and I really like you in here because it fits and you smell like cherry blossoms and bubble gum and now every time I come in here it'll smell like you which will make me think about you more than I already do- which is all the time. AND OH DEAR GOD I SOUND CREEPY AGAIN, DON'T I?!?!"

When Denki slammed his head to his steering wheel in defeat, Fae giggled so cutely that he considered his horrifically embarrassing monolog totally worth it. Fae pet the top of his head supportively, and Denki had never wanted to be a true kitten more than he did right then because he so desperately wanted to curl up in her lap and let her pet him for the rest of his days.

"You don't sound creepy, boo. I promise! I was just embarrassed you caught me kinda sniffing your car."

Denki peaked over at her and asked, "So you were sniffing my car?"

"Yeah," she murmured softly. "It smells like you in I like it."

Kaminari's cheeks turned the same shade as hers, and both blondes smiled at one another from within their close confines. After a moment Denki cleared his throat and put the sportscar in reverse. "Okay, well just so we're clear...I like you too."

Fated Lovers🍋 (Shinso x OC x Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now