Chapter- 27 Princess Peach

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After finally falling asleep in Kaminari's arms, Shinso felt a bit better. He really didn't need an alarm clock on his phone because his overweight cat would scream bloody murder at exactly 6 am every morning. Somehow the chonky creature was sure he was going to die of starvation if not fed at exactly 6 am, so he typically acted as Shinso's alarm.

Alas when Shinso rolled over in bed and looked at the clock, he had to blink in surprise a few times. "9:07?" He sat up in bed and scratched his naked stomach. Around a yawn, he wondered, "did I sleep through Nighty's breakfast?"

He got out of bed just in time to hear Denki hiss, "Listen here fatty, I already fed you. I get that it doesn't taste as good as when Hitoshi pours it, but you are fine!"

Night hissed in disagreement.

Shinso opened his bedroom door to see Kaminari squatted on the ground pointing a scrambled egg-covered spatula in Nighty's face. "You are fat! You're not going to die!"

Nighty looked at the spatula, and his little pink tongue tried to lick it.

Kaminari ripped it away and spit, "See? FAT! No eggs for you. I already fed you."

Shinso crossed his arms across his chest and watched Kaminari, wearing only his bright yellow briefs and one of Shinso's oversized shirts, scream and dance away from Nighty who tried to claw at him in protest. "EVIL CAT! EVIL FATTY!"

Denki squealed and crawled up on one of the counters as Nighty puffed up and chased after him.

From his roost high above the hissing creature, Denki finally spotted a sleepy Shinso leaning against the doorframe. "HITOSHI! SAVE ME!!!"

"You called him fat. Seems to me you deserve this," Shinso chuckled mellowly.

"I was only telling the truth! Is that a crime?!?!"

Shinso nodded to his fur child. "He thinks so."

Nighty jumped up on the countertop, and Denki actually screamed, "OH MY GOD HE CAN FLY!!!"

The electric man used his quirk and sprinted out of the kitchen at the speed of light. Shinso plucked the spatula from Denki's hands before Kaminari disappeared into the other room and made his way over to the eggs. Denki was still screaming bloody murder as he ran around the apartment even though Nighty was in no way shape or form a track star. In fact, after leaping up on the countertops, Nighty completely lost interest in the electric male because his father was finally awake.

"Good morning buddy," Shinso murmured.

Nighty instantly began to pur when Shinso's calloused fingers scratched his chin. Shinso let Nighty remain on the counter next to him as he finished up breakfast. Denki was still running in circles around the apartment, but both mellow cats were perfectly happy to let the crackhead expend his energy on his own. By the time Shinso finished their eggs, rice, and vegetables, a breathless Kaminari crashed into his kitchen seat.

"Hi catdaddy," Kaminari panted.

"Good morning, kitten." Shinso kissed his messy blonde bedhead and placed his plate of food in front of him.

He gave Nighty some eggs before tending to his own breakfast.

"Is that why he likes you more? You feed him human food?"

"He likes me more because I don't try and pick him up every time I see him," Shinso smirked. "I respect him. He respects me."

"I respect him!!" When Shinso cocked a purple brow, Kaminari giggled, "I just like kitty snuggles."

Fated Lovers🍋 (Shinso x OC x Kaminari)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن