The real Beast of Beast's Forest

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Graphic descriptions warning

Dabi POV

It's our 4th night here and I can't help but stare into the ceiling from my futon. On my right was Kiego, who's wing was gently self-placed on my chest, and on my left was Shimura, keeping dead still but hugging his pillow.

My eyes felt heavy but something kept telling me to be alert, to monitor every movement. Nights haven't been the same since my second visit to the lab...

It started like the first, with the portal appearing in my run-down apartment and me going in. I was more prepared this time around, with my phone and a huge shoulder bag, incase there was more files to take home. But it was a different clue the portal wanted me to find.

I walked in, but this time the area was different. It wasn't the storage room, it was an actual lab. It was so dark I had to put the flashlight on my phone on. I looked everywhere in every place.

There were jars. Jars of... parts. A jar with a brain, a jar with an eye, a jar with even a jaw. I didn't like that one, it was like it was just ripped off the person and simply plopped in there, instead of amputated. I felt sick right then and there.

I walked around the place more, this time there was security cameras, but they were faced down, like the guy behind my visits prepared this area for me. I walked to drawers and opened them, seeing chemicals and taking pictures of their labels so I could searched them up later.

But there was one drawer I didn't like, evidence I wished wasn't important to keep, so much so I wished I regret taking them. They were pictures, black and white, with unholy, horrible things. A nomu with its jaw hanging down, only a thread connecting it from its head. A nomu with it's brain mangled and scooped. Nomus without limbs; a nomu headless. I don't wanna go into detail on that one.

I keep remembering that these things were humans, with lives. Humans who were somehow so unlucky to get in that situation. Humans who aren't in control. The worst part was what that the eyes, of those who still had some in those pictures, were pure white, like deers in front of a headlight.

I close my eyes, trying to get my mind back to this camp thing. I don't trust Eraser, something bad WILL happen here.

Then, I was correct. A noise, too inhuman to be human, too unnatural to be natural. It was quiet though, no one heard. I push Kiego's wing off me gently to I get up without disturbing him. I slide open the door.

There was no one. I step outside. I can't help but want to search. What if they unleashed the nomus on all of us? What if those cameras were on, and now they are after me? I don't want to be hunted by those people. I don't want any of us to be hunted by those people, especially if it's because of me.

I walk barefoot on the wooden floor outside that was still part of the cabin. My toes scrunch on the wooden platform. The sky was dark night with a few stars shining. Heh, they say if you find one star, you can always find more.

Suddenly I stop at a corner. It was it. It was here. In the forest, amongst the trees, was a nomu. It was no doubt nomu. No animal could look so cruelly handled.

It's eyes peer at mine, piercing them to the core, freezing my body. Instead of purple or black, this on was pale beige, it's brain sticking out like the others, and it's eyes in the brain. It was big, and lanky but also had muscular build. It actually looked quite human, because it didn't have a beak, despite it being heavily altered, and it wore jeans that only reached to his upper ankle but would rip if it was pulled down. It's arm span was huge, nearly touching the ground, like some gorilla.

I manage to step back. I can't attack it, I would get in trouble. But it will attack me and something tells me the government laws of quirks doesn't apply to him. He walks out the forest, standing tall nearly rivalling the forest trees. It then rushes to me.

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