Battle with bunny

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Shimura POV

We're in a place in school called 'Ground B', which was basically another remake of a city. According to the others, we'll be doing something called 'Battle Trial', where we'll be actually fight each other. I'm so excited! And worried.

I also have learnt not to mess with a certain someone in this class, but I don't even know why! Usagiyama basically has resentment towards me for some reason and I think I'm only alive because there's always witnesses. I catch her even staring me down. Luckily Kiego is nice and keeps her... I don't know? In wraps?

Anyways, we got told our designs for our hero costumes were complete and ready for testing. My costume is like a plated shirt (not heavy though) for upper protection with long sleeves and is white. Then on the bottom flexible off white trousers that are easy to move around. Then, just for a bit of reference, a light grey cape with a little chain in front to connect. The shirt also has two buttons on my wrist where, if I press them, can cover/uncover my hands with mechanical gloves. This is amazing, they did so well!

Dabi's outfit was cool too. His outfit was wearing puff trousers that tighten to the ankle, like a genie's, with big boots. He also has a coat that has a back skirt that goes down to his ankles too, tied with a belt and has a long collar.

Keigo looks like a boss too. He looks like an Aviator with his light brown coat, lined with white fur. He is wearing a black shirt underneath with a funny pattern in gold as well as long gloves.

Then Aizawa Sensei shows up and says "Since you are all changed in hero costume, we'll start. This is a task where you and another are paired up RANDOMLY and are given either hero or villain. The is a nuclear weapon in the building guarded by two villains, intending to deploy it. The heroes job is to either capture the villains or reach the nuclear core before time runs out. The villain's is to also capture the heroes or keep the core safe until time runs out.".

Okay that's simple... I wonder who my partner is? Hopefully it's someone tangible but also decent at fighting. I also kinda hope to get villain, it seems easier to protect than attack.

He then gets out a hat with paper inside of it. Oh boy...


Oh no. I'm f*cked. It's Usagiyama and me! She hates me! She calls me 'rando' all the time and gets angry every time I try to talk to her. She death stares me again after we were revealed to be together.

Aizawa then shouts out "The first battle is Shimura and Usagiyama vs Domeki and Mitsuki. Heroes: Shimura and Usagiyama, Villains: Mitsuki and Domeki". Oh god, already!? Well I guess we can get it over with.

Mitsuki and Domeki head inside to find the bomb, while we wait. Hmm, they could be a threat, y'know. With Domeki's ability to explode stuff and the role of villain, she can be reckless. And Mitsuki's honey blast could be good defense trap.

"Usagiyama-san, I think we need to have a plan when we actually get to the core" I say quietly while she stretches. She's wearing a slim-fitting, sleeveless leotard with a yellow crescent moon on it and dark purple full leg-sock-shoe-things. I think they're called stockings.

She kisses her teeth "Do you think I'm dumb enough that I didn't think of that". She's sarcastic, but not the funny light kind. She sighs "We dodge. Or are you incapable for that?". Oh we're dead. I am dead. Why is she like this?

Then Sensei yells to us "Get in there, you two!".

Aizawa POV

When the both of them enter, the rest of us look to the cameras in the surveillance room. I can't believe, that UA is so unstaffed that I have to teach my own children Foundational Hero Studies instead of sleeping.

A different lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें