Danger catch/An explanation

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Age few days before the meeting

Mirko POV

The chase is on! I finally caught the guy in the act and now we're having a hero chase down the hallway. He's been annoying me a lot now and I can't let him get away.

I sprint down after the man, nearly an arm distance away, but suddenly he does a 180 degree turn and shoots me in the face! It hits my forehead but I still close my eyes.

When I open them, the man was gone!! F*ck!!! How did he get away so quick?! This whole thing has just been dog sh*t!! I stomp my feet out of anger and head into the staff room.

I slouch on the couch, sweating, in pain of the latest case of tennis ball I had just encountered. What am I doing wrong? I always try and run towards the guy, dodging the tennis balls he shoots but it just doesn't work. He hit me in the face twice today!!

"Hmm, I see you struggling" Crimson's voice says. He was leaning on the doorframe, crossed arms.

I put my head down and groan "Maybe I'm just not quick enough for this".


I look up at him as he walks up to me to sit beside me "You are quick, but do you happen to strategise?".

I think for a moment. For some reason, I can only think of the Shimura one, where we both fought against Mitsuki and Domeki. Was that really the only time I strategised? With others?

"I can't remember a lot of times..." I admit "I'm more of a head-on fighter I guess".

"I could tell" he nods.

"But aren't you known for head butting danger? To basically risk everything and anything?" I ask desperately. He then just laughs. This is the first time I've seen him laugh, or even smile. Was he even capable of that?

He stops and chuckles "Well, I guess that's true. But really, that behaviour isn't the best. Especially for a kid like you".

He looks at me, and I see his Crimson eyes with a bit of sadness "There was an incident early in my career, where a bit of hesitation led to deaths. Thanks to that, I would rather have myself dead than innocent people.".

Oh... damn. I never heard any of that. "This activity was to show you that problems can't just be solved in a flash" he explains "Now, I want you to think about what you know and how to utilise it". He then stands up to leave.

What I know?


What I know... what I know. What DO I even know?!

I pace around the room thinking and thinking. How can I catch the criminal but causing the least damage? How can I catch the criminal, outside the act?

Wait... Shimura said 'we have to look for distinguishing characteristics' or something like that during Battle Trial. I know the guy has silver hair, and very light blue eyes, like translucent, as well as grey skin. He's probably 6'3 if I think about it.

That's it! I have to hunt him down to defeat him.

I left the room and head down the corridors, where I'm an easy target for him. He mostly shoots me outside of the weights rooms and very close to the main ground of the agency.

I walk around the bottom floor, keeping my eyes out for him, but there was nothing. No one was there, it was empty. Ugh, I'm getting too tired of waiting for this. Is there another way?

Hmm, I have to look for a man with grey hair and skin as well as translucent eyes. The closest I've been to catching him was when he shot me in the face and disappeared almost instantly. He could have a camouflage quirk!

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