The Unrealistic Kidnap

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Mirko POV

I wake up and my head hurts like hell. Damn... tf happened? All I remember is me getting McDonald's for Dabi and... the old woman in the alley.

I look in front of me to see a bored Dabi, just staring into space, not giving any sh*ts to the world. Where are we? I look around, it's the inside of a dark truck with planks on the side where me and Dabi are sitting. I look down to find my feet tied together. What..?

"Hey..." Dabi says, noticing me "You're finally awake".

"Where are we?" I quickly but quietly ask. I don't know if I want people to hear us.

"Isn't it obvious?" He rolls his eyes "We've been kidnapped". Kidnapped?!?!

"How are you saying this so calmly!?!!!" I ask hysterically. Who would kidnap two 16 year olds!?

"Because they are idiots" he explains in a mocking formal tone "They left their ropes with us and they are now getting food".

"Why though!? Do you think it's because we're UA students??" I yell, now knowing that there's no immediate threats.

"Let's just say... society" he answers eyeing the floor.

I tilt my head in confusion, but also spotting the rope beside him, and Dabi bends down to untie my legs. I can actually see what he means now, the knot is basically the Two half-hitches knot. Those are easy to adjust and take off.

As soon as my legs are free, we both stand up. Suddenly Dabi starts stamping and kicking the walls in the truck, make a lot of noise. What is he trying to do? He'll alert the kidnappers!!!

Suddenly I hear voices outside the trunk. The first man says confused "What's all that clamouring doing in there?". His voice is definitely a bossy shouter.

Second guy says "We better check it out". Smoker, definitely.

I stop Dabi and he nods as we both get to the exit of the car. Oh, these guys better be ready for what's coming to them. I get my fist ready, for a mean ass swing. The doors opens.

Two men in black show up up and in a split second they are on the floor. Dabi quickly drags them in and closes the doors, so no one could see and push the blame on us. I mean, who would be more believable? Us or two older men.

Dabi then pats down the first guy. He was large with a wild ginger moustache and wore glasses.

Then he does the same to the other. He was thin with a with a chisel face and a beard. And by the smell of it, he's the smoker.

Dabi takes everything from their pockets like car keys, a driving license, more keys, a paper, their phones and everything else. He then grabs the rope and puts them up straight back-to-back.

He ties them and tells me "Pass me those ropes.".

I get them but ask, watching him tie them "What type of knot is that?". It looks super complex, no way they'll get out. There's not even a strand sticking out.

"A Dabi special" he says as he finishes up.

He grabs the items and opens the door slightly, letting me go first, and closing it. The sky was a dark blue with pink sunset. We were in a parking lot of a service arena.

"Come on, we gotta drive" he says, rushing to the front of the van. Drive?! Does he have license?

I go to sit in the passenger seat and pull on the seatbelt "You don't know how to drive, do you?".

"Only the basics" he says as he turns the key to start the car. I swear, if we die like this I'm either haunting the sh*t out of Dabi or annoying him in the afterlife.

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