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Mitsuki POV

Manguru's fists crash on the road, smashing it to bits as me and Kanji keep running away from it. We're soo close to the entrance! We need to get there! I feel the ground vibrate at each fist or foot smashing into the ground.

I felt something weird and in a few seconds I hear this:


It was Kanji! I turn around and stops running. Kanji was being tied up in the air, with Manguru's arms twisting around him! It's even covered his mouth!

I look up at it in horror... What in the world do I do? He struggles but I can tell the grip tightens extremely. Who in their crazy mindset would do this?!

I then start to run towards the robot. This is the perfect time to test my new move. I call this one, the Honey Hill! I blazed up honey up the hill, whilst also running up it. Thanks to my hero costume, my boots have some sort of super friction, while also making sure I don't get stuck.

As I run up it, the robot started to shake. My honey must be working! Manguru's legs stay still but his free arm starts trying to whack me. Oh no, he might smush me into pieces! And if I fall from this height... oh god.

Suddenly I hear Kanji's muffle words "Come on Mitsuki! Come on Honeybee!". It sounded something like that.

All of a sudden, Manguru's fists bashes onto himself and makes himself shake. It was so powerful that it got me off me feet, and I nearly fell off!

I dig my fingers into the honey and climb the rest of the way up. Oh god, this reminds me when I was a kid and I alway got stuck in my own honey. My mom was so unhappy when giving me a bath.

I manage to pull myself at least a metre up but out of nowhere, the fist smacks the honey again, this time making the whole of Manguru fall backwards. Ha! Talk about a self destructive attack!

I practically hug the honey as the robot fall backward, and felt the wind gushing through before the big slam!

I couldn't get up, I mean I physically could but I just want to stay here. That was... horror... I never want to do that again any time soon...

I felt a large hand on my shoulder and I look up. It was Kanji, smiling happily. I smile too and slowly get up. Sigh, that was something. I look past him and saw the arm that tied him up, all broken and wires. He must've gotten out.

He puts his arm around me, in a friendly manner and we walk away from the mangled Manguru, cover in honey.

Kanji POV

I am so proud of Mitsuki! She carried us so hard! We walk out, her a bit exhausted, of course, and we head to the break area.

However, I heard a dragging sound, something being pulled across the pavement. I stop and look at Mitsuki "You go ahead, I'll be there in a minute".

She nods, still tired and sweaty from our test and continues walking as I turn back to check on the noise.

I walk around the corner, peaking nervously and see Domeki-san. Huh? She looks like she's dragging something bigger than her... Wait... is that...

What the hell happened to Haru!?

I rush over looking at his unconscious body in her arms and his legs being dragged on the floor. Domeki looked as though she was tired of carrying him.

I ask, worried, "What happened to Haru?! Was it your test?".

She nods "He got electrocuted by the robot..." her voice was strained because she kept on dragging him, arms hugging his torso, "I'm trying to get him to Recovery Girl's...".

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