The Sports Festival Frantic: Obstacle race

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Shimura POV

When I tell you I forgot about the Sports Festival, I mean it had completely slipped my mind. This is the event where all heroes come around and see who's the best one for them that they just might to employ. I've heard that a lot of heroes are coming to this year's event.

Dad has offered all of his free time training me and brainstorming ideas since there's limited skills I can use with my quirk without seriously harming the opponent. I even asked Aizawa for tips and he informed me that UA has a way of cleaning the ground up from each fight and that I could decay it. He also advised for me to work on combat just to be safe. He's such a mix between good and bad teacher.

We all are now sitting in the waiting room with our PE uniforms on. It just a large room with a table in the middle of it with benches, where most people are sitting. There's a lot of worry around the table. Apart from Usagiyama and Keigo. She is practising sparring intensely while Keigo is in his own little world.

I turn to Dabi, who is next to me, and ask "How do you think this'll go?". You can always count on him to be the most brutally honest person in the group.

He looks up and shrugs saying "We're all in 1a, that means we have potential for success". Wow, that's very reassuring for him.

Miran-san overhears and loudly agrees to everyone "Yeah! Dabi's right!! We're in 1a and this should be a breeze!!". Other get happier by this whole thing and Dabi rolls his eyes at him.

I giggle and whisper to him "Let him has his moment" and Dabi smirks back. Miran-san believes in himself a lot. Which is a good thing! But he can get a bit carried away by it.

Suddenly we were all called to join the outside. We all got up and walk as a group as the first class arriving and officially starting the Sports Festival. As soon as we step out of the building, into the sun and onto the bright green grass, I feel a wave of energy flowing through me.

I look around, the stadium is full! How can such a large place be packed? Heroes, executives and other important people who were there cheer as we come out and stand in a group in front of a purple stage with a screen. It's weird to think that we'll actually have a chance to work under some of them. Even to be a sidekick.

All the other class's follow up after us and we all surround the stage. Midnight then walks on. Me and my class have her for Hero history but I couldn't help but notice other guys outside us slightly blushing. I was also really awkward when I found out what she wears to school but I quickly got over it.

She shouts out to us all "Hello freshmen of UA! Welcome to the UA Sports Festival, where you'll be tested on your physical capability," she turns to the audience "and have a chance to prove to these lovely Pros what you're made of!". The crowd cheer in reply.

"I'll be your Chief Referee, and up there in the commentary box is none other than our very own Present Mic and Eraserhead! Say hi boys!!" She yells to the box.

"HEEYYAA!!!" Mic's voice screams through the speakers, following by a lazier, quieter "Whatever". How did they get Sensei to do that? With Mic especially. Maybe for the contrast?

Midnight snaps us back and announces something horrible "May our player representative, Tenko Shimura, come up on the stage". Uh oh, oh no.

I look to her and cross my arms when her eyes land to me. They soften and nod at me sweetly. Phew, I thought she'll pull an Aizawa. She says "Nevermind, we'll get straight into it" cheerfully.

Suddenly a loud terrible voice snarls "So what? You think you're better than us?". Lord, All might save me.

I turn around and sigh to him "Kitsune, that's not what I meant...".

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