A step to chaos for 1a

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Aizawa POV

I watch as my class do there first day of training. It's too early for this... we started at 5:30am...

I analysed each one of them. Shimura and Sumi were training together, using Sumi's crystal boards to shoot at him and him decaying them, so Sumi can get more accuracy in controlling her boards and Shimura can quicken his quirk.

Kanji, Daiki and Tiger were having a 2v1 spar, to help Kanji with his strength and put Daiki in a stalemate, since Tiger's quirk is a lot like his.

Kiego and Shun race around the area to test their speed and additionally test the distance of Shun's quirk.

Domeki and Usagiyama are doing a dodging and hitting training, with Domeki creating explosions in the ground and Usagiyama dodging them.

Ragdoll was helping Kanashii with her quirk on a separate area, just so they wouldn't interfere with other people's training. Ragdoll's quirk is search, so, for example, Kanashii does what she did in the final exam, she can still keep tracks on her.

Mitsuki and Kanna are busy training together too and are learning control of quantity, since both of their quirks are not as controlled when it comes to numbers or masses.

Bushida is laying flat on the ground, her arms are big fans laying beside her and looking up. Her training is with Miran, who surrounds himself into an orange orb and rolls onto her fans. This is to test Miran's orb's endurance and the control Bushida has with her fans.

Dabi is training by himself in another secluded area, with basins of water to heat them up and control his temperature. Ragdoll remembers to keep an eye on him as she's busy with Kanashii. Actually, her job is to keep an eye on all of them. Even the lazy ass class that woke up 2 hours later from when my class started training.

I turn around to see them, walking over here all tired and out of it, with Vlad leading them.

"Huh, look who's here" I murmur but they heard me.

Pixie-bob and Mandalay walk over to them and Pixie-bob waves "For a class whose first day was the least hard, you all sure woke up late".

Kitsune, the notorious bully from 1b speaks up "Who trains at 7:30 in the morning?!". I've heard from around that he is Shimura's 'bully from middle school'. I wonder what this kid do to make the son of the symbol of peace so paranoid.

I glare at him "Good heroes, and unless that's what you want to be, then you can leave and enjoy your 'precious' sleep as everyone else here works hard".

That shut him up. They then explain the whole thing to them, "You schedule is to train from morning to evening to improve on your quirks, with breaks in between. We'll also keep an eye on your progress and make sure you develop and know your weak points in your quirk" Pixie-bob says.

Mandalay continues "Ragdoll will be keeping check on you all to see if your developing, so we don't want any goofing off. Tiger is the guy to go to if you're quirk relies on physical combat and Pixie-bob will make any landforms that you need".


Shimura POV

It was 4 pm and Ragdoll and Pixie-bob provided us ingredients to cook. Yesterday they were nice enough to cook for us, but we have to remember that camping means cooking!

After they left us, we all huddle together and plan on cooking.

Miran raises his hand "I can peel the vegetables!". Then Kanna raises her hand after him "I can cut them".

Bushida puts her arm around Sumi "Me and Sumi can cook the rice!". Sumi just looks at her and at the rest of us and nods. I like that they grew a friendship, it's very wholesome.

A different lifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon