First day of school

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Shigaraki POV

I walk through the forest on the pathway. The trees blossom bright pastel pink, and some even float around the air. I can't say what I'm exactly feeling right now. I feel calm around this setting but I'm meters away from UA. I can even see it if I look up. And there's also people behind me walking, chatting to each other.

A girl whispers, not so secretly " The guy in front... wasn't he the one who was 1st place in the entrance exam?".

Another whispers like a snob "He low-key doesn't look like a hero at all". Jeez, you prove yourself but still get put down.

On one hand, I know I'll be in 1a, obviously, but on the other hand, this is still a first day of school. And like all the others, you have a feeling this might lead or add to the stressful journey of growing up. Why can't we just stay in elementary school?!

Finally, the opening of the path reveals the school. It's like everything in the pictures and articles and videos! It is large and all the exterior walls were glass that is so clean that you could see the clouds reflecting off them. The entry arch was blue and has the school symbol in yellow.

I carry on admiring the modernism of the building. Almost instantly I was bombard by two people so hard I nearly trip but I mange to keep balance by one foot. I look ahead to see the bashers and saw Takami and Usagiyama.

In almost unison they shout back without turning "Sorry rando!". Usagiyama added the 'rando' bit. Does she recognise me, or does she call everyone that?

I continue my walk more, more aware of anything, and head to the cubby room. I get to my one and put all the stuff I don't need essentially for the day. I close it, turn around and guess who I see? It's Dabi. It seems like he was waiting for me.

"Congratulations no.1, you did well" He says bland with a straight face but I have a feeling it's genuine.

I scoff "Please, I only got 1 more point because I rescued both you and Takami from the debris".

He shrugs and we start walk to our class. I ask him "What did you mean after the entrance test? What did you mean by 'back yourself'?" as we walk.

"You seem you would be popular if you pushed yourself more. And I honestly find amusement when someone outshines their fear" He says not making eye contact.

Huh, popular? Pfft, as if!


Dabi POV

Shimura is an interesting person. A specimen I would call him. He's awkward and socially uncomfortable but on the battlefield he's weaving and attacking all the time. I'm pretty sure someone experienced trained him.

But for someone so tough, he just lets people walk all over him. I'm not a social guy myself but I choose who I want to talk to and backchat the b*tchy ones. This guy, the second someone insults him, it's puppet with no strings mode.

I need to shape this guy up. I am making it my goal to get him backchatting those who insult him and to get him the needed respect.

We both arrive at the class. The door is huge. Must be incase they got giant students.

We look at each other and nod, preparing. You have to remember that this is a hero school, aka anything chaotic.

I open the door quietly and we both walk in, constructing any defences we might need. I look to see a large mosh pit of people talking in the middle of the whole classroom. They must be gushing over at some big shots or something. I pick something out though. Bunny ears and feathers are seen poking out each side at a rather sitting down height. They must be gushing over Usagiyami and Takami.

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