Make Him Sweat(50)

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Bill POV

8 Ball was waiting for me in my office, with the girl.

"Oleander? Right?" I smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder. She was stiff as a board but she nodded. "Lovely to see you again. How was your trip to the pig pen?"

"Informative." She muttered.

"She did fine, Cipher." 8 Ball chimed in.

"Oh I bet. Here's the thing," I took to my chair behind the desk, "Why did they find one of their precious little badges in your things?"

Oleander adjusted a thick chain necklace she wore, "I forgot it was there."


She flinched. "8, make sure next time your little pet doesn't simply forget she's carrying a trophy during her civilian life. K?" He nodded solemnly.

In the top drawer of my desk lived an intricately carved double sided knife. I stole it from my first solo raid of a political man's home. The rich shit eater didn't even report it because then he'd have to admit he paid to sleep with a boy. Oleander watched the knife spin in my hand, "If it happens again I will personally ensure it doesn't slip your mind."

She left my office in a hurry, "It won't happen again." 8 Ball answered.

"Really slackin on them, are you getting soft in your old age?" 

He laughed harsh and deep at that. "Can you blame her? That was a big pot. The biggest she and some of them youngins have seen since they joined up."

"Why do you think I'm letting you handle it? Now out." The door closed swiftly behind the two of them. Stowing the knife back in it's home I did the next to-do on my list.

Dipper picked up after the second ring, bringing a smile to my face, "Hello."

I could hear shifting on the other side, "You know work is so boring, I just keep thinking about yesterday..." words dripping like honey from my tongue. 

"Bill I'm trying to work-" "Where are you right now?" He took a deep breath on the other end of the line. I moved swiftly while waiting for his answer, locking the door. 

"My office."

"You should lock your door." I settled back into my office chair, making myself comfortable.

"Bill." His voice was stern, now catching onto my idea. "One whole wall of my office is a window that overlooks the desk of at least 20 officers."

"Awww come on now, you've gotta have a big fancy desk and chair, I'm sure if you're careful no one will see anything." I could remember his office perfectly, all he'd have to do is pull his chair in a little, and of course control his expressions. I wish I could see him, flushed to the point of hiding his face against his desk.

"Seriously," his breath hitched, "I'm going to hang up if all you wanted was phone sex."

"Oh come on, I can hear how much you want it." My own voice dipped, giving away my own wants.

"Not while I'm at work." His tone sharpened at the edges. "I'm hanging up now."

-  Time Skip  -

Dipper had been ignoring me for several days now, my calls, my text. I'd even just showed up at his home only to be told by Mabel that she got a call from him saying he'd be spending the night in the office. She'd already gone and dropped him off food and a change of clothes.

Silence filled my office after the end of another prolonged and ignored ringing. Heat clawed along the back of my neck, broken only by a thin coat of sweat, the summer heat was reaching an all time high. My clothes felt stiff and irritating against my skin, I was half tempted to strip the fucking shirt off.

Case 36: Courter in YellowWhere stories live. Discover now