First Encounter(5)

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Bill POV

10 minutes, I was still ten minutes early and still-

"I can't believe you where late, and I haven told you, called you even early in the morning to make sure you where wake and won't be late and here we are."

She sat in the passenger seat of my car half insulting me half giving me directions to this shack. Also sitting up in her mirror fidgeting with her hair and her make-up.

"I can't believe you, I ask you to do one thing for me, and now she's going to be waiting because we are late."

"I picked you up 10 minutes early."

"Should have been 15. Left here." she sassed point to the next corner, I knew my way around town but still having her direct meant she had to pause going off to tell me where to turn.

"I apologize, can you move on now."

She closed the mirror and sat back, eyeing me.

"Fine." she crossed her arms, "only because we are basically here." she pointed down the road.

I quickly found a place to park up the street near the building with a hideously large sign above the first floor of windows. It wasn't even centered and the S in shack was barely hanging on. But the doors were open and the lights on, a far amount of people moved in and out of the store.

My sister nearly jumped out and over the car to drag me out my door, "Come onnn, hurry up we are already late." she whined tugging at my arm, if anyone else touched me or grabbed me like that, they would lose more than a few fingers.

I carefully fix my suit jacket and closed the car door, I had left my yellow coat at home, my grey coat does fine but it doesn't have the same flare that the yellow one has.

When she noticed it looked like her eyes would roll out of her head, "Oh. My. God. You Queer! Come on you look fine!" she stomped her foot.

"Says the Lesbian whining about being only 10 minutes early to seeing her girlfriend." I hissed but stepped away from my car and locked it, following her down the street to the "shack".

The inside was almost worse than the outside of the shop, random shit covered the walls and any open space, none of it seemed to have a common theme, other than being extremely weird and out of place. Can something even be out of place if everything is?

It was barely even a moment before a girl with long brown hair came flying over the front desk practically landing in my sisters arms.

"Pacifica!" she yelled excitedly. I stepped back a bit, not wanting to get hit by any loss limbs.

Pacifica immediately reacted, wrapping the girl up in a hug and softly placing her on her own feet. "Mabel! Hey oh I'm so glad to see you!" She let her go and they both comfortably backed out of the hug.

I cleared my throat lightly, my sister finally saw that I was still here, "Oh, yeah! Mabel, this is my brother Bill. Bill, this is my girlfriend Mabel." She did quick introductions. I reached my hand out to shake hers but before I could even react she bear hugged me, I froze up and little and I could see that Pacifica noticed. She took Mabel's shoulder and guided her back a little.

"It's so nice to meet you!" She seemed completely oblivious.

"And it is nice to meet you as well." I said through a fake smile, holding back the urge to take my coat off and burn it.

"I've heard so much about you, feel free to look around if you like, my workaholic brother is running late." She smiled, it seemed genuine and kind, she was a sun ray wrapped in rainbows. It was slightly sickening. So I stepped back a little, I faked looking around while keeping an eye on Pacifica. I'm not overbearing or anything, but being out in public like this keeping an eye on her is a safer bet than anything else.

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